Glenn wrote:

Thanks Ray,

I found myself in almost complete agreement with Mr. Sexton. I want to read the entire essay.

I think I've seen a print version of Currents before in the library. This is very relevant to some of the very topics discussed here.

I agree that sexton's essay is relevant -- not only does it apply to the kinds of discussions on this list, but to the topic of universities in the public realm, in this case as champions of civil discourse.

there's more where that came from; stay tuned!

- - - - -

btw, I thought it was funny that as I read sexton's essay, this is what was printed on my starbucks coffee cup:

   THE WAY I SEE IT #225

   People don't read enough. And

   what reading we do is cursory,

   without absorbing the subtleties

   and nuances that lie deep

   within -- Wow, you've stopped

   paying attention, haven't you?

   People can't even read a coffee

   cup without drifting off.

       -- David Shore
          Creator and executive producer
          of the television drama 'House'

   * * *
   this is the author's opinion, not necessarily
   that of Starbucks. To read more or respond, go to

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  "It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger."  -- Tony West

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