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Sleek. Edgy. Infinitely flexible.

On Aug 5, 2007, at 10:16 AM, Glenn wrote:


I received the e-mail copied below yesterday morning. It claims to be brother of the victim and asserts that the earlier report of a 44th and Larchwood, August 1, car jacking was in fact true. I responded to the strange e-mail immediately but have gotten no reply.

The yahoo account e-mail included a signature this time but I did not include this until after I go to police headquarters with it. It’s a little freaky that there is some unidentified sneaky member of this list or the censored, private, University of Pennsylvania listserv with lots of information and connections to this alleged serious incident, but who will not come forward to confirm it. I’m just getting these private communications from unidentifiable strangers as if my private knowledge of their crime story is the issue.

I can’t understand why anyone needs to convince me while the police have the only incident recorded at that very location as removal of an abandoned car!!!!! The entire community also needs to know the truth not just me!

The sender of this e-mail seems unaware that his sister should have an incident number. Not only are these "extraordinarily polite and helpful" armed car jackers not being pursued if the police bungled at this level but the victim won’t get insurance money for her SUV!.

For the benefit of the list to verify no stolen vehicle with the police: http://pdreports.phila.gov/arpublic/ARComFindDC.asp What if the polite criminals use her car in another violent incident and the police get the correct plate number? If this isn’t straightened out and is true, the sister of this writer could find herself the target of the police who don’t consider her a victim!!!!!!

All of this stuff is too much and scary. I’ll have to go to police headquarters tomorrow morning as this gets deeper. I don’t have the time for this but this is getting too scary. I'll be sure to give a report to the list.

If this sneaky list member with information about this affair (who allegedly forwarded my post to this writer) could come forward, the community might be able to get the truth! One way or the other, this is a serious matter for all of us!

This is either about serious unsolved crime right here and unacceptable police incompetence or a serious coordinated internet campaign to lie and spread fear that is centered right here. What is the truth? Here is the e-mail:

""Dear Glenn,

I recieved this forward from a friend who belongs to some information list (I'm not really sure):


I went to the 18th distrrict. Apparently, the report of a car jacking was false. I will again confirm and report back to the uncensored list.

I will not again forward information for you to share with the civil censored Penn list. For your own sake, I suggest that you get away from them. Please inform them that from current reports, the earlier report of armed black men committing car jackings is false.

If some young black kid runs in fear from the police because frightened neighbors respond with increased fear, I would feel terrible if I didn't make the best effort to inform even barking cheese.

I'm planning to give a copy of your forward to the police. It identifies both lists as well as Mr. West. I will be certain that they understand that you were simply forwarding this to an uncensored list of some 300+ people in good faith. You are unfortunately a witness to all of this.

Thanks for sharing this with your neighbors.

Glenn Moyer"

I wish you were correct. I am the brother of the woman and the Uncle of her son who were both held up with the use of a gun by two young black males. My sister was getting out of her SUV after picking up my nephew from my house around 10:20. I recieved a call around 11:15 from my sister from the 18th district police station at 55th and Pine. I spent over two hours with my her, her son, and my brother-in-law, waiting for the detectives outside there office while they took about an hour to see them, and another hour to ask about ten questions. In addition to this, the car that the two young black males had parked in order to rob my sister was supposed to be towed by the officers of the the 18th district. They towed my sister's neighbor's car instead and in fact practically ripped off the front axel. This mistake was due to the incompetence of some officer who had written th wrong plate number, supposedly. The men who robbed my sister in fact were polite enough to help her unload small desk and even allowed her to keep her purse. The gun that they had was never drawn on them, but was simply flashed from one of the men's belt. When she told the police this they did not even consider to collect finger prints on the desk. After my sister made some phone calls to a friend who works on the CSI unit, two of his men came over to collect the desk in order to properly check for prints. I'm unsure of to whom you may have spoken, but they have grossly misinformed you.

Sincerely, ""

There you have it!  What do folks think about all of this?
Glenn Moyer

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