Don't miss the "letter" by Andrew Goodman in today's University City  Review, 
and the response by the Editor/Publisher, Bob Christian.
Andrew's letter is stereotypical of the anointed vision so many of the  
Penn/UCD people have of what's best for everybody else, and Bob's response puts 
this in its place.
Especially remarkable was Goodman's assertion that a recent meeting of the  
Friends of 40th St, at which the community wanted to talk about crime along  
Market Street, "had much more [unreported] depth than that." The proof was that 
"Ed Datz, executive Director of Real Estate at Penn [ flunky if ever there 
was  one!], gave us an overview on the Radian project [which, of course, the  
low-income seniors who were the audience not only don't care about but are 
 flouted by]." Goodman continued with a classic bit of chutzpah, to wit "In 
my  opinion, the fact that such a prominent Penn official engaged in an open  
conversation with local neighborhood residents is quite newsworthy."
Earth, calling Andrew Goodman. You're cleared to land.  

Al  Krigman
Left of Ivan Grozny

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