(I needed a good chuckle this morning... and got it from this article and totally absurd statements like: 1. "prices, per bed, from $975 to $1,250, which is slightly higher than the estimated averages provided by the university's Off-Campus Living Office" 2. " '[The Radian] will be an economic boom for West Philadelphia,' said Penn's Gutmann." 3. "the Spruce Hill neighborhood around campus [is] as a 'sort of undergraduate ghetto' " 4. "The 40th street corridor that borders the building is already home to a vibrant commercial district" __________________

One More Piece Of The Mosaic By: Adam Paul, The Bulletin

haha yes-- that article was all over the place, with all its explanations and justifications and predictions. but for what? nothing that's around 40th street now is new; it was all basically there before (movies, convenience grocery stores, eateries, the library, coffee to go, the dental school). what's new is multi-level on-campus student apartments for student renters, and multi-level parking and retail for this captive audience. it's called the radian.

so what was the article really saying? I gave it to a friend to translate:

the new apartment complex will encourage the corridor to
expand further.

     the radian is a shining example of community
     decision-making led by penn praxis!

"The overall effect is to enhance the sense of "neighborhood."

     the FOR SALE signs on st. joseph's baptist church on
     40th street are gone now!

He does not envision The Radian as competing with
on-campus housing but instead sees it as a new
alternative to rented, off-campus housing.

     the radian, located on campus like all the rest of
     penn's on-campus housing, is an alternative to rented
     off-campus housing!

"We hope to encourage connections between University City
and the vibrant communities to our west"

     this is university city! west philly is a marketing

"We hope for a conversion of homes that students are
currently living in to single family housing"

     Campus Apartments manages many if not all of the
     apartment buildings in that area, and they'll
     be converted to single family housing! families will
     flock to live that close to campus! Campus
     Apartments ads have been saying it for years: 'Cool
     People Live Off-Campus!'

at the moment, keeping the Spruce Hill neighborhood
around campus as a "sort of undergraduate ghetto" yields the
highest returns. Yet, if students begin to move, that could
definitely change.

     when students compare the prices for apartments in
     the 'ghetto' with apartments in the radian, they might
     begin to move! penn sees its students as ambassadors to
     the community!

If and when more families move into student areas,
Johnston hopes it will "stabilize the neighborhood."

    all the renters in the area are students! and it's
    they who have kept the neighborhood unstable all these

Since students rent property for a short span of time,
they rarely invest in their properties or their
communities in the way long-term residents do.

    it's true! all landlords and homeowners who rent part
    of their houses rarely invest in their properties the
    way long-term residents do -- except for Campus
    Apartments, of course!

about an inch of rainwater could be absorbed by the plants, and the rest will slowly filter into the city's water system.

    about an inch of rainwater could be absorbed by the
    plants! and the rest will slowly filter into the city's
    water system!

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  "It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger."  -- Tony West
  "Ray's falsehoods are more sophisticated,
   more believable" -- Tony West

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