Frank wrote:

The CenterCityization of Penn begins...

this new footprint certainly helps put into context the idea of institutional achoring, the big topic for the upcoming symposium by penn's institute for urban research that craigsolve posted about august 16:

Do you know about anchor institutions' key role in the
growth of urban places? Find out how the new urban
leaders: heads of universities, medical complexes, arts
and culture institutions, churches, stadiums, public
utilities and some large corporations along with elected
officials are shaping development in our cities and
neighborhoods. Scholars and practitioners will review the
latest information on the planning, finance, design,
programming and partnerships of today's anchors.


Anchor institutions, including universities, medical
complexes, arts and culture institutions, stadiums,
public utilities and some large corporations, are
critical to the economic health and civic pride to their
home cities and regions due to their resources,
especially high levels of employment and purchasing
power. Their significant location-based real estate
investments and/or clientele anchor them in place, making
their departure unlikely or difficult. As a class and
singly, they play central roles in their communities.

An incipient body of knowledge is emerging to document
these roles. This work comes from disparate sources --
academic studies, consultants' reports, assessments by
anchor institution executives, public officials and
financiers -- but no one has brought the studies together
in a comprehensive fashion where they can be evaluated
and replicated. Further, there are significant gaps in
information about anchor institutions among public and
private sector leaders.

In an effort to fill these vacuums, Penn IUR and its
partners are sponsoring Urban Anchors in the 21st
Century: A Commitment to Place, Growth and Community,
October 8-9, 2007 at the University of Pennsylvania.


The Penn Institute for Urban Research is a university-wide
body that addresses the issues of 21st century cities
locally and globally. Penn IUR believes that place matters
in understanding political, social and economic phenomena
and that spatially based approaches are essential to
identifying contemporary urban challenges, strategies and
solutions and their application to public policy.


[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  "It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger."  -- Tony West
  "Ray's falsehoods are more sophisticated,
   more believable" -- Tony West

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