Tony West wrote:

No, I don't, Wilma. And it's not my job to remember every bizarre sig on the

I work at a newspaper. We get lots of letters. Anonymous letters we routinely
pitch, unless they praise us to the skies and nothing more. Everybody else
must sign their name if they want to get printed.

Sign your name, please -- your real, public name -- to what you write, if it
deals with a real, public issue in the community. I've been signing my letters
all my life; most pfsni posters seem equally capable of this task, including
yourself; so why not Nsadawi?

A basic rule of fair writing: put your name behind your words before you
speak, when you plan to speak ill of someone. It won't kill you; it'll only
make you better.

-- Tony West

Wilma de Soto wrote:

Well, I do.

We¹ve NEVER met, but I remember her posts.  She¹s been here for quite a
while.  Her name ahas lways intrigued me.

PFSNI posters may or may not sign their full names as they may think their
emails would not leave the Penn community, and/or current or former

I truly understand why people may not post their full names.  There are SO
many things attached to it which may be garnered from The Net.

THIS particular person is not a new poster trying to be anonymous, but one
of the ³Old Guard²; well, at least a member of 5+ years.


this odd topic about identity and fairness in writing keeps recurring. back on august 2 tony west posted a long piece about the mennonite photo exhibit at the aurthur ross gallery on this list. unfortunately, the piece was riddled with misinformation. fortunately, when tony west interviewed the gallery he said nothing about this list, he told them he was a reporter doing an article for philadelphia public record. has anything appeared in public record about the mennonite show at arthur ross? it's been open to the public since july 28, and the opening reception to meet the artist is just about a week away, september 11.

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  "It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger."  -- Tony West
  "Ray's falsehoods are more sophisticated,
   more believable" -- Tony West

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