Re: [UC] the defectors to UCNeighbors (was: Yet more help from Hollywood)"Just 
so you all know, Glenn is wrong when he thinks I am new to this list."

I stand corrected.  Here is my corrected statement.

"Hi Mr Dominick,

Since (I've never noticed any posts from you which I considered of interest or 
valuable,) let me (introduce myself and) help you understand the genesis of the 
University of Pennsylvania censored e-mail listserv criticized on this public 

First, could you identify the other "5 or 6 people" whom you and your fellow 
list members believe should be pre-banned from the list?  I've seen 
this 5 or 6 number stated repeatedly but I believe by leaving the individuals 
and their posts unidentified those statements should be understood as cowardly 
attempts to intimidate 300+ subscribers on this list.  The only folks who come 
to my mind that fit your description are on the censored list and share a 
particular ideology.  

 I've started a letter to the Daily Pennsylvanian and some Penn officials about 
the Cassidy list and this is important information.  I am one of these 5 or 6, 
but identifying the others and their uncivil posts is rather important.  You 
don't need to bother to try to understand why; it's not easy for many folks to 
understand.  Even just their identities would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

If you answer my question, I promise I won't make the mistake of attempting a 
discussion or responding to you directly about your comments in the future.  I 
may comment about your posts especially when they include silly criticisms or 
insults directed at me or contain pot shot insults towards others .  When an 
individual doesn't first attempt a good faith effort to be part of any 
discussion but simply desires an opportunity for insults against people 
perceived as too smart to engage in civil discussion, I've decided to ignore 
such childishness to a point. I stopped being overly accepting as my nature and 
personality dictated around 2001. My foolish patience had only emboldened the 
bullies I dealt with at FOCP as well as the UCD executive director at that 
time.  I had never been bullied before and lacked experience.

I hold my failures somewhat responsible for our communities loss of Clark Park 
to Penn.  In hindsight, my dedication to diplomacy, trust, and forgiveness kept 
me from exposing properly and timely what I was seeing as an overwhelming 
attempt to dominate, divide and conquer not only our park but community.  My 
desire for civil and logical discussion was exploited.  You could follow up 
with others whom have tangled with local civic associations to confirm this 

I know some folks are expected to tolerate pathetic "pot shots" from strangers 
forever. After my years of experience with folks on the censored list, I know 
how this must be addressed even though I will respond without personal malice 
towards you.  Isn't creation of your UC Neighbors actually a sign and symbol 
that gangs or bullying should not be coddled or given a free pass by strong 
citizens whom will not be intimidated?  

Let me simplify my explanation a bit.  Proponents of a Penn led plutocracy 
simply could not win their arguments through years of public bullying and 
intimidation.  Hence, UC Neighbors was established partly for this reason with 
Penn resources. 

As a five year list member, you've been able to witness the horrible behavior 
of several of the people on the censored list.  Look how friendly, polite, and 
constructive this list has become except when folks from the censored list come 
back to insult or attack folks on the open list.

I'm curious.  Do you consider your last 2 posts constructive attempts to make 
important points or enter into a discussion?  

Thanks for the identities of the 5 or 6 other wankers.  By the way, I did not 
start calling myself or others by this name.  Your criticism of my use of 
"names" is a bit simplistic and seems like you are imposing a double standard 
when you ignore that the barking cheese crowd started and enshrined the use of 
such language most often to cause personal injury.  I ridicule an ideology by 
using the words anointed and barking cheese heads even if some uninvolved 
individuals may question if I could be including them.  Struggles aren't 
perfect and I would agree that name calling can be destructive and hurtful.  
Please remember that some cheeseheads openly wish for my death and I honestly 
believe this behavior is more damaging than the use of words like anointed, UC 
lords, and barking cheese heads. 

Back to intellectual discussions with my dog,
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Tony Dominick 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 1:18 PM
  Subject: Re: [UC] the defectors to UCNeighbors (was: Yet more help from 

  Hello again,

  Just so you all know, Glenn is wrong when he thinks I am new to this list.  
If he would have only taken his own advise and checked the archives for my name 
he would see that I'm about 5 years "new" to this list.   Too bad I didn't post 
the first day I joined or I might be 6 years "new".

  Interesting to see Glenn's quote though, "Penn believes it will intimidate 
the rest of the community by its silencing and punishment of dissenters."  
Apparently now he can channel the collective thoughts of the thousands of 
people that work for Penn.  (Once again, that is sarcasm for those that didn't 
follow it.)

  "barking cheese", "anointed", Glenn can't help but resorting to name-calling 
instead of using the true names.  I guess name-calling is the level that some 
really feel comfortable operating at.

  Now back for some more name-calling,
  Tony Dominick

  ----- Original Message ----
  From: Glenn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  To: Tony Dominick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; UnivCity listserv 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 9:48:35 AM
  Subject: Re: [UC] the defectors to UCNeighbors (was: Yet more help from 

  Hi Mr. Dominick,

  Since you are new to the list, let me help you understand the genesis of the 
University of Pennsylvania censored e-mail listserv critisized on this public 
list. I have been a long term member of the Penn community, and this censored 
listserv will ultimately bring shame to our university. 

  I would suggest that you review the archives of the public purple list just 
prior to July 30 to confirm my explanation. In addition to founding members 
Cassidy, Anderson, Lamond, Siano, West, I can point you to others appearing in 
the archives so that you can see that the claim about civility by the 
justifiers of censorship cannot possibly be supported.

  As has been pointed out publicly, several founders of the censored Penn list 
were part of a gang of individuals who have been employing various fallacious 
argumentative strategies for years. These folks and their gang like tactics 
were thoroughly and publicly exposed and were recognized as the primary source 
of incivility on this list. They appear to consider themselves Penn partners in 
a new elite who will dominate society in a new plutocracy. 

  Banning dissenters on one side of neighborhood issues is not"light moderation 
or light censortship." Yet it is the supportable conclusion for the 
establishment of the new censored list. Prior to the establishment of barking 
cheese not only had its founders tactics been thoroughly exposed but the public 
list emerged as one of the rare opportunities allowing dissent, disclosure, and 
questioning which is considered necessary in democratic societies.

  In the year 2007, this public list emerged as a powerful obstacle to the 
overwhelming Penn "marketing" machine. As the various unethical practises and 
frauds driven by the University of Pennsylvania Real Estate monopolists 
continue to demand absolute power and the establishment of an elite plutocracy, 
this list emerged as one of the few venues for honest discussions and 
questioning. The archives served as a public historical record. 

  As Penn’s cloaked agent UCD was caught violating federal law in 2007, it was 
this listserv which provided the community stakeholders a powerful public 
gathering for discussion. When Penn’s Real Estate spokesperson, Andrew Zitcer 
attempted to denegrate dissent and opposition to Penn’s marketing scheme and 
corporate domination, in a city wide publication; it was on this listserv that 
the ethical failure to disclose their spokesperson’s true identity was exposed. 
To this day, the rest of the city believes the spokesperson for Penn Real 
Estate, Andrew Zitcer, is Everyman who finds citizens concerns about Penn 
marketing and monopoly to be frivilous and stupid. The folks on this public 
list shared his actual role in the Penn machine and we have the opportunity to 
see how dishonest the tactics of Penn Real Estate are in 2007..

  Penn’s move to sponsor a censored private list called "UC Neighbors" is 
designed to replace and minimize this rare public place for important 
neighborhood discussions. As long term list readers understand, this "sweet 
barking cheese" list is also a set-up for future astroturfing to support 
corporate domination and rule over our community. 

  All local Penn agendas are masked with the claim that 80% to 100% of "good" 
neighborhood consumers demand the Penn agenda. Astroturfing is a rather new 
term describing the false claim of grassroots support which the censored list 
will falsely prove.

  Please read back in the listserv archives and you will see that civility and 
the need to ban 5 or 6 wrong thinking people is nothing but a bold lie. Penn 
believes it will intimidate the rest of the community by its silencing and 
punishment of dissenters. Several years ago, a local civic association, the 
squirrel hill association, was similarly punished to send a similar 
intimidating message to the other civic clubs. And it worked against their 
leaders often referred to as the "anointed."

  Mr. Dominick, I truly believe if democratic principals are resurrected 
nationally and locally, our University of Pennsylvania is going to regret this 
"UC neighbors" list. There are many scholars and researchers at Penn who depend 
upon and protect the reputation of ethical conduct at our university. The 
censorship list as well as the widespread unethical conduct of Penn Real Estate 
and its operatives will cause shame to our entire university community when 
sweet barking cheese is studied and exposed.. 

  One of the banned evil doers, I am deeply concerned about the ramifications 
censorship holds for this country and our university. It's not because the 
"civil gang" regularly posted wishes for my death or called me so many names, 
or made fun of murder victims which frightens me.   I hope you join with the 
public and condemn, ridicule, and stand against Penn’s new cloaked censorship 
policy and the continued unethical propaganda pushed by Penn Real Estate.

  Thanks for your interest in this matter. I hope my comments are helpful 


  Glenn Moyer

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Tony Dominick 
    To: UnivCity listserv 
    Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 11:40 AM
    Subject: Re: [UC] the defectors to UCNeighbors (was: Yet more help from 

    Hello all,

    Just my own point of clarification.  To reference Wilma's words:

    "The people on UCNeighbors did not approve of those of us who had a 
different view of how events unfolded and left.  They also sowed enough seeds 
of nasty behavior, disrespect and contempt on this list as well, that this 
should not have been the rationale for forming another list in my opinion."

    First off, as one member of the UCNeighbors list, thanks for being able to 
read my mind. And I did't know you were the collective voice for everyone on 
the UCNeighbors list.  That is sarcasim for those that didn't realize, but my 
point is that I find it odd that people on this list think they know exactly 
why people joined the other list.  It is often referenced that anyone who 
joined "UCNeighbors" has left "UnivCity".  This is not always true and so I am 
clear, I am on both lists.  Yes Virginia, one can be on multiple lists, and 
welcome to the Internet since you are new here.

    Second off, while I am all for people speaking their mind I, like I assume 
others, have gotten tired of the 5 or 6 people on this list that has resorted 
to name-calling, whining, and ranting to get their point across.  A sample of 
the childish name-calling from just the last week alone: "Ceasar Amy", "Sweet 
Barfing Cheese", not to be confused with "", "UC Lords", 
"the anointed" (FYI, I don't think there was any anointing involved).  I get my 
fair share of whining, complaining, and name-calling from my 3 year old that I 
got tired of having to hear it coming from adults acting like 3 year olds.  So 
I joined UCNeighbors _not_ for the reasons that Wilma suggests, that I "did not 
approve of those of us who had a different view of how events unfolded."  I 
actually like the different views that come up and enjoy reading them.  But I 
personally have found that "UnivCity" has gotten less informative lately and 
more like noise to me and I joined "UCNeighbors" in the hopes that it will 
serve the purpose that the "UnivCity" once did, of getting information out.  

    So far the "UCNeighbors" list has been informative without the 
name-calling.  But don't worry folks, I will still read "UnivCity" for the 

    Now let the name-calling resume,
    Tony Dominick

    ----- Original Message ----
    From: Wilma de Soto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    To: Anthony West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; UnivCity listserv 
    Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 7:28:59 AM
    Subject: Re: [UC] the defectors to UCNeighbors (was: Yet more help from 

    Dear Tony,

    You may have a point, but I found your post to be rather high-handed and 
disparaging with regard to most of the high-thinkers have gone over to the 
other list, etc.  Second-raters and fool doesn’t help either.

    However, it is an accurate description of many who are on the new list as 
to how do they think of us on this listserv.

    Many of us here have had years of community service and have paid our dues. 
We have been here longer than many of the initial posters on the other list.

    It eventually came down to some us actually love everything Univ. of PA. is 
doing here and stand to benefit from it personally or professionally.  Others 
see a re-vamping of the neighborhood and displacement of its long time 
residents; especially people of color and are battle-scarred from attacks and 
other negative experiences with the institution.

    The people on UCNeighbors did not approve of those of us who had a 
different view of how events unfolded and left.  They also sowed enough seeds 
of nasty behavior, disrespect and contempt on this list as well, that this 
should not have been the rationale for forming another list in my opinion.

    That’s my view for what it is or isn’t worth.



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