Liz's recent post about pick-pockets in Europe reminded me of my own experience 
while waiting for a subway train in a tube station on my way home from school 
in London while I lived there.

It was rush hour, hence a lot of people crammed the platform.  I became aware 
of hovering and sensed that something was wrong.  As my arms came down 
protectively around my body, I yelled, "Get away from my bag," at the top of my 
voice to the crowd.   They immediately acted in unison and moved as if one 
organism to surround me and push away the two intruders.  One man accused one 
of them of trying to take my purse.  The other man had been swarming nearby as 
if to await the pick-pocket when he was to have grabbed my stuff.

The two perps immediately yelled out that they had done nothing wrong, 
effectively damning themselves, as they moved away and lost themselves in the 
crowd.  The crowd stayed around me protectively while we waited for the next 
train on the Victoria Line.  I caught an eye from several people there and 
smiled back with faint tears.  Then the train arrived and we entered the 
Sandra Knight 

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