In a message dated 10/11/2007 10:24:57 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Here's an interesting article (from yesterday's Inquirer)  on a BID in an 
area with some similarities to (university involvement), and a  lot of 
differences from (crosses city boundaries, has gigantic commercial  spaces), UC.
- Melani Lamond

Thanks for that, too, Melani.
The article didn't indicate things like what types of properties along City  
Ave would be subject to the surtax, or the rate. It also didn't tell what  
kind of budget they'd have -- in total or for the specific functions they'd  
perform. Come to think of it, they didn't say much about the functions, either. 
Maybe you know some of this and can share it with us.
UC residents might be more interested in the Frankford BID, a bill to  
establish which has now been referred to City Council's Rules Committee.
    1.  It seems to be a "true" BID -- in the sense of businesses defined  
under the law as those engaged in trade and commerce -- in that it covers  
commercial properties along Frankford Ave from 1529 through 5343, plus some  
commercial side streets which intersect Frankford Ave, and a few on Kensington  
    2.  The functions will be what the affected property owners say they want 
--  just 4-day/week sidewalk litter pickup, twice yearly sidewalks steam 
cleaning,  and some roving safety ambassadors. 
    3.  The total budget is $78,000 per annum -- $20,000 for administration 
(no  room for a $78,000 flackette or a $120,000 executive director), $5,000 for 
 office supplies and postage, $50,000 for a contract with an outside firm to  
provide the litter ad ambassador squads, and $3,000 for a mandatory  audit). 
    4.  It seems to be an offshoot of a Frankford Special Services District, 
which  was originally set up in 1995, so it has a track record for doing the 
job  people want done at a price they're willing to pay.
I haven't been able to locate an electronic copy of the proposed ordinance,  
which includes the plan and a listing of all parties proposed for the tax. But 
 it's Bill No 070540 and is available in hard copy form from the City Council 
 Chief Clerk's office at City Hall.  

Always at  your service & ready for a dialog,
Al Krigman -- 36-year local resident  and supplier of relevant information to 
help people think about issues for  themselves

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