In a message dated 10/23/2007 4:43:54 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

It was  asserted that the Spruce Hill Civic Ass. zoning
committee held "two open  and public forums" about
Penn's plan.  Mr Barry Grosbach was present  but did
not correct this or speak.  

Some of our neighbors  spoke against this and Melani
Lamond spoke in favor.    

Barry isn't a member of this listserv, so maybe we can ask Melani to find  
out when SHCA zoning committee held the two open and public forums, and how 
 publicized them. We're apparently not tuned in to the right wavelengths or,  
surely, someone on this list would have known about them and posted the  
Would you be so kind as to find out and let us know, Melani?   

Always at  your service & ready for a dialog,
Al Krigman
PS: Naturally, I was pleased to learn that the PHC's Architectural  Committee 
did not see fit to approve this plan. While this isn't necessarily the  last 
word on the topic -- the Commission doesn't always follow the  Architectural 
Committee's recommendations, it's certainly a vindication the way  many of us 
think about a 10-story block-long building on 40th St between Pine  and 
I'm sure that Penn can come up with some alternate usages of that property  
that would justify its investment in the site and also evidence that famous  
"partnership with the community" of which we hear so  much.

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