If you're missing a handsome adult male cat, no collar, black with the barest 
sprinkling of white hairs across his chest, and in good condition until 
yesterday, my condolences.  We found him on the sidewalk last night, still 
warm, very relaxed-looking, and with no obvious cause of death.  My housemates 
moved him into the lot formerly known as 1124 South 48th Street, just in case 
his heart decided to start beating again after all.  

It didn't.

If you think he's yours and you want the body back, please claim it from the 
lot as soon as possible.  Don't email first; I won't check this account again 
until Monday.  We'll be burying the remains tonight or tomorrow.

Mischief Night and Halloween are coming up fast.  Please watch your pets.

(Can someone please cross-post to Sweet Barking Cheese?)


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