Several people have asked me off-list whether they can participate in the 
SHCA meeting this Tuesday (Spruce Hill Christian School -- 42nd & Baltimore -- 
7:30 pm), if they're not an SHCA member.
I don't recall SHCA ever turning anyone away who wasn't a paid-up member. So, 
presumably anybody can attend and hear presentations like that supposed to be 
given by Tom Lussenhop about the proposed 11-story hotel at 40th & 
Pine/Baltimore. I don't know how open the chair (Cindy Roberts) will be to 
questions or 
statements raised by non-members, but she's unlikely to attempt to keep 
non-members from participating in open discussions.
Non-members, of course, won't have the privilege of voting or of making 
motions. This may be important because it's an election meeting. And it also 
may be 
important because there may be some incentive to make and vote on motions 
with respect to SHCA's official position or instructions to its Zoning 
with respect to the "campus inn" proposal.
Traditionally, SHCA (and most other civic groups in this neighborhood) accept 
dues and register members at the door, so you can join when you get there. 
SHCA once had a brouhaha about denying a person a nomination for the Board of 
Directors based on that person's not being a member -- then refused to take the 
person's registration on the spot. So there's some question whether you can 
opt to shell out your $20 during the course of the meeting if you decide then 
you want to vote on something.
If any of the above is in error, perhaps an SHCA officer (hello, any of you 
out there?) will correct me.
Always at your service and ready for dialog.

Al Krigman

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