Student gets flashed by security guard: 2007/11/14/News/Guard.Exposes.Self.To.Student-3099922.shtml? reffeature=htmlemailedition

I guess he thought he was hired as the *other* kind of escort.


Series of muggings plague Drexel students: http:// 2007/11/14/News/ Series.Of.Muggings.Plague.Drexel.Students-3099841.shtml? reffeature=htmlemailedition

That one's full of quotables like: "Vice President for Public Safety Maureen Rush said that security on the Market Street border of Penn's campus has been reinforced to make sure the pattern does not migrate south to Penn." God forbid. and "The robberies I've heard about have taken place in areas where people really shouldn't have been, where they tell us not to go," said Drexel freshman Amanda Hernandez. "That isn't really Public Safety's fault."

The weapon was a glue gun, by the way.

And there's nothing funny at all about this one. Police release details of sexual assault: media/storage/paper882/news/2007/11/14/News/ Police.Release.Details.Of.Sexual.Assault-3099918.shtml? reffeature=htmlemailedition.

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