Isabel Boston, choir director at St. Francis DeSales at 47th & Springfield, 
asked me to forward an invitation from the choir, to all of their University 
City neighbors, to come out and hear them sing on Christmas Eve or Christmas 
day.   The schedule is a little different this year; she has included it, below.

List readers of various lists may remember that I've mentioned before, what a 
treat it is to hear St. Francis' own Diva, Cecelia Chaisson, sing "O Holy 
Night."   Without accompaniment, her incredible voice rises till the huge 
sanctuary is filled with her beautiful rendition of this classic.   For me, it 
wouldn't be Christmas without hearing her.   Whether you celebrate the holiday 
not, whether religion is a part of your life or not, I guarantee that you will 
be moved by Cecelia's voice, and by the rest of the wonderful selections the 
choir sings before and after her performance!   We are so lucky to have this 
talented group of singers and musicians right here in University City, where we 
can hear them for free!   Join them on Christmas eve at 11:30 for the music.   
We're all welcome to stay for the service which follows, but it isn't required 
- except that if you leave early, you'll miss the Hallelujah Chorus!
- Melani Lamond

Christmas Eve:
     11:00 PM – Brass quintet and the St. Francis de Sales chorale offer 
festive music selections, including the incredible Cecelia Chaisson singing ‘O 
Holy Night’
     11:30 – Lessons and carols service – readings followed by traditional 
carols with choir and brass
     12:00 – midnight mass with Bishop McFadden presiding
Brass and choir selections throughout; don’t miss the choir’s inspiring 
rendition of the Hallelujah Chorus at the end of mass
Christmas Day – 10:45 AM mass with Cardinal Rigali presiding
     More choral music, Cecelia Chaisson singing ‘Gesu Bambino’, and again, 
the Hallelujah Chorus.

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