
Are you a dues-paying member of SHCA? I am, so I have standing when I speak about SHCA actions.

Your criticisms of SHCA procedures show no awareness of practical Association issues at any level. The subject of how to run a civic group in the city of Philadelphia is one you have relentlessly refused to learn anything about, for many years. What is your background in this field? Are you prepared to tell your neighbors what you are good at, and why your opinion on how to decide a zoning issue might be valuable to us all? In your personal experience with zoning committees, what is it Barry did wrong that you have done better, when you were personally called to make these difficult decisions in previous Zoning Committees you have sat on?

UC-list has a right to know exactly how much of an expert you are, on a subject you represent yourself as a judge.

-- Tony West

actually, barry didn't do what he should have done. his original announcement of this meeting placed the location at the shca's offices on 45th street -- a ridiculously small venue, given the wide public he acknowledged was invited and necessary for the process.

it was the neighbors (and not you) doing what THEY should have done -- namely, securing a venue large enough to accommodate them, asking zoning members with conflicts of interest to recuse themselves, and then attending (having done their homework about the project) and presenting their questions and comments -- that brought about the first public forum (publicly announced, at a non-penn venue) about this hotel since news about it was first published back in october 2007.

and, as we've all seen -- as eyewitnesses and participants at the meeting, not as commentators who weren't there -- this public meeting demonstrated overwhelming opposition to this hotel and virtually no support for it.

neither you nor lussenhop nor the shca zoning committee can possibly alter this, or ignore this, or spin this any other way.

this public meeting was conducted along groundrules that shca set up as the public process; schc must now honor the results.

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