Now, a brief pause in the one-sided debate (everybody "against," nobody 
"for") Lussenhop's Folly, to bring you an important announcement.
Monday is Presidents day. No trash pickup -- and it will be one day late the 
rest of the week. Also, no mail, banks are closed, etc.
All right. Back to the debate. Where were we... I believe it was at Esaul 
Sanchez' mendacity about Penn neither having any appropriate uses not enough 
money to fix up the property it bought at 400 S 40th. One wonders how the Nobel 
Laureates in the R.E. Dept at Penn came to the decision to buy property they 
apparently now say they can't justify application- or dollar-wise. Oh, yes. 
Economic rent seeking.
Left of Sam Rappaport and apparently further so of Ed Datz and Craig 
Alan Krigman

**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.      

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