
A few years back, I recognized the path to plutocracy that the District and the 
US were heading towards. I decided to buy a property in Canada and ultimately 
move permanently.

Let me tell you how my city of Hamilton ON handles trash. First of all, 
residents are provided with a close approximation of pick up time. It's not 7AM 
pick-up one week and 7 PM the next. The sanitation officials plan the routes 
and communicate the plan.

Residents have clear comprehensive instructions delivered to them explaining, 
the time, comprehensive weekly recycling, trash, rules, etc. 

The sanitation crew, friendly and polite, is empowered to respond to improper 
disposal. If the trash is too heavy, for example, they will leave the trash but 
place a polite warning sticker. (I know that the vast majority of my neighbors 
and the students who live in our community beyond the elite corporate ghetto 
want to follow reasonable rules. Essentially, the majority of people don't need 
the confusing intimidating fines pushed by the UCD trash ticket machine.) The 
vast majority of citizens sometimes make honest mistakes, but the vast majority 
try to correct these, when told, without the need for intimidation, bullying 
and fleecing.  Of course, the elite types of the corporate ghetto have never 
actually disposed of trash because that is what servants are for.  

I think the government is viewed by the Canadian people, as a service to the 
people. Unlike here, the government is the enemy of the people and only exists 
to serve their corporate masters. 

Anyway, that is how the trash is handled in Hamilton ON. And Canada is a hell 
of a lot cleaner and safer than the fuckin' UC/Penn district. And the quality 
of life is a hell of a lot better without the fear and intimidation pushed by 
the government; of the corporations, by the corporations and for the 

Stuck for 2 more years,


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