Dear list,

I'd like to explain why it was appropriate and necessary to react strongly to 
Melanie's recent use of the straw man fallacy to support her baseless attack on 
the petition gatherers. First, it was my point about research problems/issues, 
(and not about personal misconduct), that she was absurdly recreating as a 
straw man support of her attack.

I don't doubt that she doesn't fully understand our discussions about voodoo 
polls, etc. Her anecdote was making an absurd point about the responsibilities 
of the person signing his or her name, address, etc to an exact statement of 
opinion, and the responsibilities of a petition gatherer. If she understood the 
problems in her anecdote, she would have tried something else to attack the 
petition gatherers. If we didn't know it was Melanie writing, we still would 
have seen the point as silly. 

Of course, the petition gatherers have responsibilities regarding honest 
information during the 1 or 2 minute interaction but the signer has a whole 
different set of responsibilities than Melanie is asserting. It's ridiculous to 
compare a petition process to a voodoo survey. Enough said, you understand. 

Secondly, we've seen what happens on our very list when these various tactics 
(ad hominem, straw man,etc) are unleashed to change, destroy or obfuscate 
discussions. The people who I know involved in the opposition to the hotel are 
very much responsible and trustworthy. I don't know them all. Of course, if 
issues would show-up in the way the petition gatherers conducted themselves; I 
would expect answers. It hasn't happened.

Melanie provided nothing, and this type of fearmongering personal attack 
against her opponents is her pattern, not just a phenomenon because the larger 
topics are beyond her. She insinuated that the unidentified individual was 
intentionally trying to withhold information from someone who didn't know 
anything about the issue! Well her friend did the right thing by not signing a 
statement she didn't know enough about but made a poor decision to go to 
Melanie.  Had I talked to a potential signer for an hour, I doubt that I would 
have given much attention to all the deceptive, evasive, and discredited 
developer's presentation details.

If you go back and read Melanie's anecdote, it is very clear that the intention 
of her presentation, information, and absurd straw man is that you shouldn't 
trust the unidentified petition gatherer and probably not the rest of them. 

Well she can't say that Glenn, who has credibility, explained and agreed with 
her condemnation of the petition signatures!! (If you hear that anyone gets 
such nonsense, feel free to copy my posts and give them to the victim.)

I don't want those clowns to start getting away with this crap and start 
sending us back to the pre-barking cheese days! 

Thanks for your time,


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