Another of the self-righteous -- this time, Eliot Spitzer -- has fallen.  
They do occasionally get their come-uppance. But where was Bill Clinton when  
Eliot needed the equivalent of "it depends on what your definition of 'is' 
Not to be (too much of a) sexist -- but Kristen seems to fall somewhere 
between  Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones.
Anyway, aside from politics and -- to some -- the pathos of a Jersey girl  
who found an unconventional way out of a broken home -- the following is an  
example of truth being indeed stranger than fiction.
Submitted for your reading pleasure. Some of the lines in the story below  
are priceless.
Remember, you read it first here, on the  popu-list

Al Krigman 



Woman in Spitzer Sex Scandal Identified

The New York Times
Posted: 2008-03-13  09:22:54

NEW YORK (March 13) - She left a broken home on the Jersey Shore  at 17 and 
came to New York City to work the nightclubs as a rhythm and blues  singer. 
Now, at 22, she is the unwitting, and as yet unseen, star of the seamy  drama 
that is the downfall of Gov. Eliot Spitzer of New York.

Kristen, the prostitute described in a federal affidavit as having  had a 
rendezvous with Mr. Spitzer on Feb. 13 at the Mayflower Hotel in  Washington, 
spent the last few days in her ninth-floor apartment in the  Flatiron 
district of Manhattan. On Monday, she made a brief appearance in  federal 
where a lawyer was appointed to represent her. She is expected to  be a witness 
the case against four people charged with operating a  prostitution ring 
called the Emperor’s Club V.I.P.

In a series of  telephone interviews on Tuesday night, she said she had slept 
very little over  the past week, with all the stress of the case.

“I just don’t want to be  thought of as a monster,” the woman said as she 
told the tiniest tidbits of her  story.

Born Ashley Youmans but now known as Ashley Alexandra Dupré, she  spoke 
softly and with good humor as she added with significant understatement:  “This 
been a very difficult time. It is complicated.”

She has not  been charged. The lawyer appointed to represent her, Don D. 
Buchwald, told a  magistrate judge in court on Monday that she had been 
to testify in a  grand jury investigation. Asked to swear that she had 
accurately filled out and  signed a financial affidavit, she responded 

A person with  knowledge of the Emperor’s Club operation confirmed that the 
woman interviewed  by The New York Times was the woman identified as Kristen in 
the affidavit. Mr.  Buchwald confirmed various details of Ms. Dupré’s 
background but would not  discuss the contents of the affidavit.

Ms. Dupré said by telephone  Tuesday night that she was worried about how she 
would pay her rent since the  man she was living with “walked out on me” 
after she discovered he had fathered  two children. She said she was 
working at a friend’s restaurant or,  once her apartment lease expires, moving 
back with her family in New Jersey “to  relax.”

She did not say when she had started working for the Emperor’s  Club, or how 
often she had liaisons arranged through the ring. Asked when she  met Governor 
Spitzer and how many times they had seen each other, Ms. Dupré said  she had 
no comment.

As of Wednesday morning, Ms. Dupré’s MySpace page  recounted her “odyssey to 
New York from New Jersey through North Carolina,  Miami, D.C., Virginia and 
Austin, Texas;” public records show that she lived in  Monmouth County, N.J., 
in 2001, and in North Carolina in 2003. She owns a  company, created in 2005, 
called Pasche New York, which her lawyer said was an  entertainment business 
designed to further her singing career.

Music is  her first love, and on the MySpace page, Ms. Dupré mentions Patsy 
Cline, Frank  Sinatra, Christina Aguilera and Lauryn Hill among a long list of 
influences,  including her brother, Kyle. (She also lists Whitney Houston, 
Madonna, Mary J.  Blige and Amy Winehouse as her top MySpace friends.) In the 
interview, she said  she saw the Rolling Stones perform at Radio City Music 
on their last tour  after a friend gave her two tickets. “They were amazing,” 
she said.

On  MySpace, her page says: “I am all about my music and my music is all 
about me.  It flows from what I’ve been through, what I’ve seen and how I feel.”

She  left “a broken family” at age 17, having been abused, according to the 
MySpace  page, and has used drugs and “been broke and homeless.”

“Learned what it  was like to have everything and lose it, again and again,” 
she writes. “Learned  what it was like to wake up one day and have the people 
you care about most  gone.

“But I made it,” she continues. “I’m still here and I love who I  am. If I 
never went through the hard times, I would not be able to appreciate  the good 
ones. Cliché, yes, but I know it’s true.”

Ms. Dupré’s mother,  Carolyn Capalbo, 46, said that after her daughter 
finished sophomore year in  high school, Ms. Dupré moved to North Carolina. 
“She was 
a young kid with  typical teenage rebellion issues, but we are extremely 
close now,” Ms. Capalbo  said in a telephone interview Wednesday.

In 2006, Ms. Dupré changed her  legal name, according to records in Monmouth 
County Superior Court, from Ashley  R. Youmans to Ashley Rae Maika DiPietro, 
taking her stepfather’s surname since  she regarded him as “the only father I 
have known.” But in the interview, she  referred to herself as Ashley 
Alexandra Dupré, which is how she is known on  MySpace.

On the Web page is a recording of what she describes as her  latest track, “
What We Want,” a hip-hop-inflected rhythm-and-blues tune that  asks, “Can you 
handle me, boy?” and uses some dated slang, calling someone her  “boo.”

“I know what you want, you got what I want,” she sings in the  chorus. “I 
know what you need. Can you handle me?”

Her MySpace biography  says she started singing professionally after a 
musician she was living with  heard her singing the Aretha Franklin hit 
in the shower and burst into  the bathroom with his lead guitarist. She says 
she toured and recorded with  them, then moved to Manhattan in 2004 and “spent 
the first two years getting to  know the music scene, networking in clubs and 
connecting with the  industry.

“Now it’s all about my music, it’s all about expressing  me.”

In the affidavit, the woman the Emperor’s Club called Kristen is  described 
as “an American, petite, very pretty brunette, 5 feet 5 inches, and  105 pounds.
” She apparently was booked at about $1,000 an hour, placing her in  the 
middle of the seven-diamond scale by which the prostitutes were paid up to  
an hour.

Ms. Capalbo said that she was “shell-shocked” when her  daughter called in 
the middle of last week and told her she had been working as  an escort and was 
now in trouble with the law. She said she was not sure that  Ms. Dupré 
realized who Mr. Spitzer was when he was her client.

“She is a  very bright girl who can handle someone like the governor,” Ms. 
Capalbo said.  “But she also is a 22-year-old, not a 32-year-old or a 
42-year-old, and she  obviously got involved in something much larger than her.”

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