I'm totally cool with this "mandatory service" plan of Wilma's. Let them prescribe policies for teachers, who have first made an effort to teach one child themselves.

-- Tony West

Melani raises a good question about what we as a community could do?

Lobbying for smaller class-size and more teachers is a great idea.

I propose something that is not really the politically correct thing to say, but here it is.

In order to address a problem one has to know exactly what the problem is, how far it has spread the the seriousness of it. As for urban public schools most people don’t know the half of it.

I have always wanted to have mandatory school substitute service for private citizens. On the order of jury duty, each citizen would be required to serve as a school substitute teacher for a day or two. A week would ideal.

Lesson plans are provided and the person would be paid at the rate for a beginning substitute.

Then and ONLY then will people see what it is actually like to teach in schools and what the hindrances are and be able to make an informed decision about what needs to be done. The caveat is no titles, (Hi! I’m doctor______ and I am your teacher today.), just Mr. Mrs. or Ms. _________.

Try to follow the scripted curriculum and the Scheduling Timelines. Find out if the script will actually be germane to whomever is sitting before you.

See students who come to school without pencils or pens, homework done or even a notebook. These are the self-same people who would ready to kill if they went to a hoagie or steak shop and the found out store didn’t have what they to make them one.

The students who have $200 sneakers, but no pencils or books. The students living out their video games with which they spend so much more time than their studies.

When one sees parents or other adult relatives come up to a school to videotape their child beating up another person’s child, or even help them do it, one realizes that parent’s and students’ priorities with regard to getting an education. There have been several arrests publicized in the media but the bulk of these assaults are not reported.

I think it would be a great community service since there are never enough people to go round when teachers are out sick. I also feel it would be the best way for the public, (who fund public schools), to truly get a handle on what the problems are in public schools.

Once they know the extent of the problem, then we can brainstorm possible solutions.

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