"no one asked for arthur ross gallery in the first place, the public didn't vote for it -- and yet here it is, in our public art-presenting process!"

"no one asked for penn to have an it department in the first place, the public didn't vote for it --and yet here it is, polishing our global information database!"

"no one asked for spruce hill community association to create uc-list, the public didn't vote for it -- and yet here it is, sucking up electrons on the friggin internet!"

"no one asked for folks to play volleyball in the park, the public didn't vote for it -- and yet here it is, people smacking balls around at 44th & baltimore!"

Rhetorical tricks are easily exposed by repetition. Ray's arguments apply as easily to everything his life is based on, as to everything his arbitrarily-chosen foes do. They're sort of like adjustable wrenches: because they can describe anything; they define nothing in themselves.

In order to criticize anything effectively, we all have to learn something about it first. It's not enough just to have a heroic self-image and a set of ringing slogans. Ray, if we're going to talk about Penn's impact on public education and urban planning, we have to bone up on these subjects. I see you talking, but I don't see you boning up.

-- Tony West

"no one asked for penn praxis in the first place, the public didn't vote for it -- and yet here it is, in our public decision-making process! you see, penn put penn praxis there for those who could afford to pay the price of using it! it's not penn praxis' job to figure out when you want to be involved in public decision-making processes!"

"no one asked for ucd in the first place, the public didn't vote for it -- and yet here it is, in our public park! see, penn put ucd there for those who could afford to pay the price of using it! it's not ucd's job to figure out when you want a public park!"

"no one asked for a catchment area in the first place, the public didn't vote for it (in fact it was voted down by uccc) -- and yet here it is, in our public education system! you see, penn put the public school there for those who could afford to pay the price of using it! it's not the penn school's job to figure out when you want a public school!"

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