The best 'history' of the success of PENN's institutional
thinking may be on its own Web-site.  There are graphics
which define Campus growth. Check out: http://www.pennconnects.upenn.edu/explore_the_vision/a_growing_campus.php

thanks for pointing out that link, liz. those maps do tell a powerful story -- penn as a contiguous campus that expanded, sequentially, as a kind of organic inevitability, a kind of manifest destiny or law of nature where gasses expand to fill a given space -- but it's a rather partial story.

it helps to remember that the original version of penn began at 4th and arch streets. recall, too, that for much of penn's history, penn was a commuter school. the evolution and expansion of penn into the urban university it is today wasn't driven by a single vision or plan, but by changing paradigms that exploited changing values and contexts over time. for instance, in the 1930s and 40s penn considered moving the campus to valley forge. later, as the campus grew in the 50s and 60s, penn became a campus expanding in an urban setting which disappeared to accommodate it -- in such a way that by the 70s and 80s penn realized it had created a very inward-looking university, not connecting with and often at odds with its urban surroundings. it was only in the mid-90s that this basic paradigm changed, to one of penn actively transforming/transferring the urban environment INTO its campus and AS its identity -- as a necessary act of expansion.


more background here:



the pennconnects maps don't really convey today's story, how 'penn IN the city' has become 'penn AS the city', not only in terms of real estate, but of infrastructures (political, educational, social, medical, etc. -- ie, neighborhood organizations, schools, hospitals, city districts, mayorial administrations, etc.). as you point out, penn isn't simply a campus, it's an institution, and institutions aren't simply bricks and mortar (structures), but also mechanisms. like:








finally, the pennconnects maps don't show us this:


and it will be interesting to see where penn praxis is, years from now, when penn builds its pedestrian bridge across the schuylkill -- ie, how penn actually connects, and what penn is actually connecting with.


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