Has anyone seen the public statement regarding the e-mail vote by the 
University City Historical Society board?  

Background:  At a public hearing, a Philadelphia city planning commission 
hearing, a gentleman  testified that the UCHS board had conducted a vote to 
support the Campus Inn.  He stated that he had gotten some information from the 
President of the group that the "vote results" did not favor support for the 
Campus Inn.  And on this list, a preliminary on-line edition of the UC Review 
was posted that confirmed that some type of vote occurred. 

 For whatever reason, the story was never printed in the Review.  The on-line 
edition confirmed the public testimony but the "vote" results were not 
revealed.  A quote attributed to Ms. Belynda Stewart indicated that she would 
release the results in the form of a public statement.  I later heard a rumor 
that there had been no UCHS meeting with deliberations and vote but that the 
"vote" was done via e-mail by someone.

I just finished searching the March and May newsletters published by Mr. Mike 
Hardy.  I looked around the web site also but couldn't find anything about the 
Campus Inn or vote??????  

Did I miss it?  Was it published in the UC Review?  Was it reported on the 
secret censored Penn list?

I am hoping the public statement includes a copy of the ballot and any 
introductory message attached.  There have been so many problems with surveys 
and votes locally and the offenders always refuse to reveal the data or hard 
copies of the instruments.  It makes them look really really bad like the FOCP 
surveys and secret votes.  (We caught the FOCP cheating with votes a couple 
years ago only because so many of us gave them money out of fear at the dog 
park vote.  We would never have known how FOCP cheats had a hand count not been 
publicly visible and not the usual secret ballots!)

In other news, Campus Apartments won some sort of award from UCHS.  (I don't 
think it was an award for their massive trash violations but then I never pay 
attention to civic association awards.)  

More importantly, UCHS has hired two interns from Penn to photograph and 
surveil some 300 local properties this summer.  We found out a couple years ago 
at a UCD dog and pony show that UCD has already compiled massive data on all 
property owners.  As I recall, UCD was publicly questioned but refused to 
disclose any details of its surveilance program.

Please contact me if you have any info about the UCHS public statement.  I'll 
go back to waiting for the results of the UCD "internal investigation."  I 
still want to learn more about the University's court which referred the Penn 
students whose constitutional rights were violated (as they became coerced 
indentured servants for UCD political favors and activities.)


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