I wish they¹d get on a mission to take down the dead tree in my neighbor¹s
yard.  If it falls on one of the neighboring houses (including mine) someone
could be killed, and my neighbor ain¹t going to do anything about it.  I
reported it to L&I in January.  After hounding them for months and appealing
to John Fenton and Jannie Blackwell, an inspector finally reported the
complaint unsubstantiated in April.  Notice, I don¹t say an inspector came
out, because there¹s no way anyone could look at this tree and not see it is
very very dead and very very dangerous.  Sort of like the DHS social workers
who report complaints unsubstantiated just to get the file off their desks.
After more hounding and hell raising I got another inspector to actually
come out while I was home to appease the crazy lady and he took one look at
it and said ³Oh, yeah, that¹s ID (imminently dangerous.)²  He assured me it
would be down within a week, maybe a little more.  It¹s now been over a
month, and the tree still looms.  I started calling L&I again this past
week.  The main number constantly goes to hold, and after awhile you get cut
off.  I tried the district office but no one answers the phone.  I called
the secret supervisors¹ number I got from the deputy commissioner¹s office.
They gave me the number for the inspector who said the tree was ID.  I
called his number for half an hour and got a busy signal (the other
inspector¹s number constantly went to a voicemail box that was full and
couldn¹t take anymore messages.)

So, I¹m thrilled to hear L&I has resources to storm businesses in the wee
hours of the morning for missing exit signs.  The difference, of course, is
that commercial code violations are revenue generators, while dead tree
abatement is an expense.

When this tree falls and kills someone, you all can say you heard it here


On 8/3/08 8:31 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That bar on Spruce was called Kelliann's, used to be Murphy's. I heard that it
> was recently sold by the owner, who made a nice profit. Also, L&I shut down a
> Caribbean Restaraunt (where I work weekends) on 52nd and Walnut for not having
> an exit sign up by the stairway that leads from the second floor to the first.
> The weird part was that they stormed in at 1:30 AM with 15-20 uniformed
> officers, two guys from L&I and someone from the LCB. All they found was the
> absence of the exit sign and made all patrons and employees leave (causing
> refunds in some cases). It seemed really odd to me that it was conducted like
> a raid. L&I must be on a mission of some sort throughout the city.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wilma de Soto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Glenn moyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Roger Harman
> Cc: UnivCity listserv <Univcity@list.purple.com>
> Sent: Sun, 3 Aug 2008 5:33 pm
> Subject: Re: [UC] Re: Ohara's and Hong Kong cafe
> I noticed the Irish bar at the corner of 44th & Spruce Sts., (I can't
> remember the name), is also closed.
> On 8/3/08 3:33 PM, "Glenn moyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Roger,
>> > 
>> > Here is what I know.  Hong Kong was closed first.  I don't know any details
>> > but I was told it too was closed down.  The mortgage office Ray mentioned
>> was
>> > new news.
>> > 
>> > I got the report about Oharas from a long time employee.  It was closedd in
>> > the middle of the afternoon.  There were more inspectors (health and L&I)
>> than
>> > usual.  When presented with the list, the manager/owner(?) told employees
>> it
>> > would be forever closed.  I understand that some customers didn't get their
>> > lunch.
>> > 
>> > I think there is another cycle of this pattern locally.  One owner told me
>> he
>> > spent a lot of money taking L&I to court for harrassment.  I understand the
>> > court sided with him.  I know another owner who was having problems but he
>> > sold.
>> > 
>> > This type of trouble was reported about Baltimore Ave in a few publications
>> > back in 2003.  The lack of accountability in city government is widespread!
>> > 
>> > Glenn
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > -----Original Message-----
>>> >> From: Roger Harman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> >> Sent: Aug 3, 2008 12:13 PM
>>> >> Cc: univcity <Univcity@list.purple.com>
>>> >> Subject: [UC] Re: Ohara's and Hong Kong cafe
>>> >> 
>>> >> Did I miss something?  Were Ohara's and Hong Kong closed for violations?
>>> >> Roger
>>> >> 
>>> >> besides ohara's and the hong kong cafe, the gmac mortgage
>>>> >>> office at chestnut hall (39th & chestnut) is also closed,
>>>> >>> with 'available' signs in the windows. this leaves penn's
>>>> >>> treatment research center and the upenn federal credit union
>>>> >>> the remaining ground floor venues at that building. will L&I
>>>> >>> soon close them for violations as well?
>>> >> ----
>>> >> You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
>>> >> list named "UnivCity." To unsubscribe or for archive information, see
>>> >> <http://www.purple.com/list.html>.
>> > 
>> > ----
>> > You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
>> > list named "UnivCity." To unsubscribe or for archive information, see
>> > <http://www.purple.com/list.html>.
> ----
> You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
> list named "UnivCity." To unsubscribe or for archive information, see
> <http://www.purple.com/list.html>.
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