Sadly in the battle of the "Titans", I think the folks who could afford the 
million dollar + Unisys condos had more, and more personal contacts, within the 
spheres of influence of the decision makers than we, the neighbors of 
We must remain vigilant and vocal.  What we lack in wallets must be made up in 
volume and visibility.  Our assets include some of the finest minds in the 
city.  We need the words, insights and reports which protect our existing, 
sensible rules, kept out in front of the fevered pitches of the profit seekers.
Zoning rules and Housing codes should not be bent to profit a few, especially 
when the impact could be so over reaching.  The proposed Hotel would change the 
Streetcar and main Auto entrance of our nationally designated Historic 
"Victorian" neighborhood.  It would also establish a precedent which could be 
used against us, very soon, at the now Campanella owned SE corner of 43rd & 
Baltimore (formerly an Italianate Home and Community garden).

How many more examples of the harms, that Code changes can cause, do we need.  
In the relatively few months since I was called "Chicken Little" for defending 
the current height regulations?  We have been witness to news reports of 
Construction Crane accidents in 4 different States with Eleven (11) deaths, 
more injuries and massive property destruction (businesses lost and homes 
destroyed).   Locally, in Conshocken, over 1000 families were made homeless and 
many pets burned to death, and irreplaceable personal items were lost to a 
fire, that whipped out of control, largely because a very reputable builder was 
given a waiver on a requirement to install attic sprinkler systems.
Please be a part of preserving our rights and safety and the character of our 
neighborhood.  I'm not asking you to sign up for the micromanagement of private 
homes.  I am asking you to resist changes that are NOT improvements for the 
majority of us.

Another in the list of omens for resounding defeat of Lussenhop's Folly 
(formerly known as the "proposed Campus Inn)--Al KrigmanZBA Denies Unisys' 
Request for Two Logo Signs on   Sides of Two Liberty Place
August 27, 2008                                                     Contact: 
Mary Tracy  For immediate release                                           215 
731 1796   
A new day, a new way in Philadelphia.  Kudos for Philadelphia's Zoning Board of 
Adjustments for making a difficult but critical decision on the proposed Unisys 
The ZBA surprised the packed hearing room when they announced their decision 
shortly after the end of yesterday's hearing. They unanimously denied Unisys' 
request to erect two accessory signs that were each nine times larger and 37 
times higher than allowed by law. Philadelphians can be very proud of the 
leadership shown by the business community on this issue. The Falcone Group, 
Cigna, the Shops of Liberty Place and Residences of Two Liberty added a new and 
powerful voice to the discussions on public space. ### 

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