Everything Karen writes is veracious. I am a member of UCHS and I do believe the positions taken by the Board of Directors of any civic group should be reported in its newsletters to its members in a timely manner. Maybe I missed that notice -- I'm a sloppy reader of all the newsletters that nestle in my mailslot -- but I didn't notice that announcement.

That is, however, the only "public announcement" any association needs to make about its decisions. Its chief obligation is to its members. Nonmembers who want to know what an association is up to, must either join the association, or ask nicely. Not my rules....

Nothing Glenn writes is veracious. He monotonously alleges "secret" conspiracies, of which he never offers evidence. Where are the transcripts? Where are the tapes? Where are the participants with second thoughts who go public on the conspiracy? In this case, they don't exist.

Conspiracy-theory peddlers never lack a market. They appeal to widespread, deeply human concerns. There are conspiracies, after all.

But they are seldom unmasked by conspiracy theorists. True learning requires an open-mindedness that is deeply threatening to those who need life to be cast in stark, angry clashes of black and white. They can't listen to the other side, or even acknowledge its humanity. As a result, they are poor sources of information about everyday life; and the more important the practical issues are, the less reliable are paranoid answers, for most of us.

-- Tony West

I was that "lowly UCHS member" who spoke against Campus Inn at the first PHC hearing, and I was specifically named in Belynda Stewart's editorial letter to UC Review, where she made a deliberate point of saying that I was merely a one-out-of-500 member, and did not speak for the organization. She then went on to pump up the opinion of another one-out-of-500 member by stating that the proposal was supported by a prominent neighborhood Realtor who was also a former UCHS Board member (as was I, but that somehow didn't get mentioned. Oddly, the fact that I've served on the boards of a number of community groups over the past 20 years got left out too). So reading between the lines, that didn't sound very neutral to me. It also seems very odd that there has been NO official public announcement of the UCHS Board vote against the proposal, which was announced by an individual Board member testifying at the PCPC hearing earlier in the summer (but unfortunately, since the PCPC hearing minutes do not include the text of what the witnesses said, that's not readily apparant to those who were not in attendance). Karen Allen > Both SHCA and UCHS leaders betrayed this community and their own memberships. The gangs' leaders have been secretly colluding with the Penn team from the beginning, over a year ago, while doing everything in their power to keep all Penn's plans secret. They were secretly involved with the initial attempt to demolish the property over a year ago and continued to cloak the false claims of massive community support.
> Shame, shame, shame!!!
> Mr. Moyer

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