I'm forwarding the information below, sent to me by a UC friend.   I wasn't 
aware of this huge threat to the recently granted and hard-won rights of the 
LGBT community, and I think that other UC friends and neighbors may also have 
missed it.   I just went to the website and made a donation, and I hope that 
all will, too.   It takes about 60 seconds to fill out the form and send a 

- Melani Lamond

<<On 8/27, at age 87, Del Martin died in a hospice in San Francisco, with her 
partner of 55 years Phyllis Lyon (age 84) by her side. Just in June, Del 
Martin and Phyllis Lyon became the first same-sex couple to legally marry in 
California...for all of us in the GLBTQ community, we owe a huge debt of thanks 
the pioneering work of these two women on our behalf.....

In memory of Del Martin I'm asking you.....to make a donation to stop 
Proposition 8 in California. Proposition 8, a ballot initiative on the November 
ballot, would enact a state constitutional amendment to overturn the California 
Supreme Court decision which legalized same-sex marriage in California.....

It's not just a California issue. We can't see it that way and you bet the 
supporters of Prop 8 don't see it that way. For instance, the Knights of 
Columbus donated $1 million to the Yes on 8 Campaign. Over $10 million has 
been raised by people from California and from around the country who are 
working to eliminate the right for same sex couples to marry. It is critical 
that we 
match that fundraising.

Prop 8 is being opposed by a very broad coalition. Go the website, 
http://noonprop8.com/home, click on links, read about this critical issue, and 

Melani Lamond, Associate Broker
Urban & Bye, Realtor
3529 Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19104
cell phone 215-356-7266 - office phone 215-222-4800 #113
personal fax 215-386-1345 

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plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

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