Here is the link to the UC Review:

I didn’t know Mr. Jordon until the Quality of Life Task Force staged by the 
UCD/FOCP (2002).  I will always remember him as the only person to come to my 
defense because of principals while the anointed gang and government turned 
their back on the Magna Carta.  

Standing up for principals has become increasingly rare especially against the 
will of unscrupulous power brokers.  Back in 2002, action against events in 
Clark Park and dog walkers had been the primary reasons for that “task force.”

Secret complaints from unknown, secret, good neighbors, after all other 
strategies were exposed; became the final evidence for FOCP policy still in 
effect today.  The justification for denying the most basic ancient due process 
to me was the insinuation that I might retaliate against the good neighbors if 
I were permitted to see these complaints.  

While the police and city officials sat silently beside the UCD and the 
anointed, Mr. Jordan made the only objection and showed to me his strong 

Anyone who criticized the demand for the Iraq war as war drums were beating, or 
has faced the wrath of one of our local civic associations knows the courage 
necessary to openly stand up for principals even when these are overwhelmingly 
unpopular with "community" power brokers.

Mr. Jordon, thank you.  You nor your principals will be forgotten.


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