The NY Times has a number of historic reports today.

I wish it wasn’t only when politicians have nothing left to lose that they can 
sometimes gain insights.  Olmert discusses the occupation strategy.  If the 
Abrahamic monotheists would see all holy sites as shared with all people, 
imagine; pagans could visit peaceful holy lands with their monotheistic 
brothers and sisters too.

Even Gates seems to realize that our “world at war” foreign policy is feeding 
the insatiable profits of the military industrial complex.  Surrounding Russia 
with NATO bombs pointed at them is not protecting freedom and democracy.  It’s 
the stock market silly!

How does it go, something like: Honor Thy father and mother and your days shall 
be long upon the earth.  Notice that the privatized, for profit nursing homes 
were the worst offenders in both frequency of violations and total percentage 
of violators. But we demand that the government catches them in the race to the 

 Maybe for profit schools, prisons, and healthcare don’t lead to paradise after 

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