Anthony West wrote:
PCPC did consider physical size and scale an issue, and a serious-enough one to reject the proposal in April -- but not, I repeat, as a deal-breaker.

pcpc DID consider the hotel's height and scale, from the very beginning. it was that serious.

but pcpc couldn't justify approving the hotel's height and scale in the face of neighbors' opposition and a pcpc staffer's reservations (even after the developer's revisions). so pcpc tabled their decision in may, scrubbed the neighbors' testimony from their minutes, and instead used an approved traffic study months later in september as their justification to approve the hotel -- while telling the neighbors they would 'get used to' the 'shock' of the hotel's height and scale.

the hotel's height and scale was always an issue that pcpc considered. they chose to ignore it, to minimize its importance, and to choose, instead, another issue (traffic) as their reason for approving the hotel.

that is why I originally asked: 'what happened to the main issue: the hotel's massive scale and height and footprint?'
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