Apparently, some people in the area have not heard that Wendell Lewis is  
leaving UCD (and the neighborhood) when the current term of his contract 
in June 2009. Do you think:
    1.  He was worried that the Campus Inn would go through and lower the 
value of  his house even more than the recession, so he thought he'd better get 
out  while the getting was still good. 
    2.  The string pullers at Penn finally realized that all the non-core  
activities at UCD were not only wastes of money but among the chief reasons  
the organization is so unpopular and why the NID attempt failed so badly,  so 
they decided to rebuild the organization in a "leaner, meaner" form with a  
real operations guy to manage "clean and safe" cost-effectively instead of an  
empire builder to install expensive flags on poles along Baltimore  Avenue. 
    3.  Wendell really wants to move back to New York and live in his condo, 
like  he was quoted as saying in The UCReview, so his children could get the 
benefit  of a better private school than he could find in Philadelphia. 
    4.  He can make more money as a consultant (maybe team up with Omar 
Blaik, who  undoubtedly has more work than he can handle teaching other urban 
universities  all about the Penn Model... whether as something to follow or 
something to  avoid is not known). 
    5.  Other. 
    6.  All of the above. 

Al  Krigman

reminding you that you read it first (or maybe second),  here, on the 
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