And thanks for the tips.

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 5:12 PM, Joe Clarke < <>> wrote:

    I'd like to know what time of day that this took place.  If I'm out
   in the evening and someone is approaching or at a distance, I try to
   determine the body language.  Is  he/they lingering, walking with no
   purpose?  Is it a couple?  I know this sounds funny but I have never
   been accosted by a young couple (or of any age for that matter).
    People going home or walking to catch a bus or going to work, have
   a definite sort of gait about them that says they are going
   somewhere.  I am also aware of a person on foot and one in a car
   that is coming along and are working together.  I stopped a truck
   break in (my neighbor's truck) in broad daylight.  When the guy fled
   a car pulled up and  an older guy claimed to be police in plain
   clothes tailing this guy.  He threw it in reverse and got out of
   there.  Everything happened so fast and so unexpectedly it wasn't
   until later that I realized that they were working together--he
   being the get away.
   If you are being pursued scream, run out in the street, look for
   houses with their lights still on.  Make it as difficult and obvious
   to anyone nearby that you .are being attacked or set up for a
   robbery.  It is better to look ridiculous and be safe, then to
   maintain your Ucity cool and be a victim. Last summer I was in my
   house with the windows open watching the late news, when I heard
   someone outside screaming for help.  I rushed to the window and saw
   one guy chasing the guy yelling for help.  I screamed out the window
   "Police!" -- well the pursuer heard me and stopped, the other guy
   got away after being jumped and hit in the head with a rock (I found
   this out later from his wife). I yelled again that I called 911 and
   they'd be here in the minute."  The guy grumbled an obscenity then
   walked off in the other direction.  So neighbors if you see someone
   being attacked scream Police and that is sometimes enough to
   interrupt the attack.  Be on your phone dialing 911 while you are at
   it, and get the real police to come.  Ours arrived in less than 5
   minutes then went off looking for the guys.

   Joe  (veteran of two muggings) C.

"Truth has a liberal bias". Bill Moyer

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