
Sorry but there is a need for me and, I suspect, for many other neighbors who are not as well versed as you are in these groups' history.

The only "Friends of" group I know well is Clark Park. In that case the group sprang up in the mid-'70s to oppose the hijacking of a beloved statue by Fairmount Park. It was completely grass-roots in origin and has remained so to this day. It was not "formed by" another "community Association when things haven't gone quite their way." One of its founding Board Members, Fran Byers, has sat continuously on its Board until this very day, so I have an excellent information source.

You may be right about the other five groups. Wilma, Karen, anybody? -- Which community Associations founded Friends of the Firehouse Market, Friends of Woodlands Cemetery, Friends of Calvary Church, Friends of UCD and Friends of 40th St.? I don't think some of these groups are even called "Friends of ..." anything. Maybe they are five very different critters.

But if they were, in fact, founded as "sub-community groups" by community Associations who, for some reason, couldn't get what they wanted by acting in their own name ... then people who know that history should name the founder groups, and also explain why they had to start a side-group, to accomplish what end.

-- Tony West

I am speaking of those who have been a part of all UC community Associations for *at least the past 15 years* who have had a hand in the directing the tone of the neighborhood who are at the forefront of latest skirmish with citizens about the Campus Inn.

As Ray stated earlier they have also traditionally formed sub-community groups whenever things haven't gone quite their way, such as the various and sundry "Friends" groups.

To this you might insert many names and more I cannot think of right now. To wit, The Friends of The:

    a) Firehouse Market
    b) Woodlands
    c) Calvary Church
    d) UCD
e) Clark Park f) 40th St.

The common thread is these groups form when there is direct opposition by community members to a project which they favor, or the way those in charge would like things done.

I have been in the inner circle as you say, of several UC community organizations and am intimately acquainted as to how they function. During several of the above Friends engagements, I was record keeper.

There is no need for a study here. The modus operandii has not changed, except for perhaps a few new faces. The greatest changes is at whom this M.O. it is directed unfortunately.


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