Yesterday to my surprise I parked in the lot where the strip mall is on 
Chestnut between 44th & 43rd, to see a HEAD Shop.  It already has a risqué 
video. So I walked over to my Cousin's Barber Shop now located at 4409 Chestnut 
St (used to be where the smoke shop is now), and asked who had seen the Head 
shop and they had no idea what that was, so that's when I realized it was an 
old school term.  Smoke shop that sold nothing but drug paraphernalia had 
closed in Phila. all but wonderland discreetly tucked away on Walnut St 
Downtown.  And that was closed enough to UC & Penn's Campus to get things if 
you needed.   Anyway, how did a paraphernalia shop open with no one knowing in 
UC?  I didn't hear one word, and it opened on a Sunday I hear.  The owner was 
there as I wandered in he stated he was from NYC and had his licenses in order. 
 But I don't think so.  Why is University City the first new paraphernalia 
"drug" store to open in years?  He had Bongs and Crack Pipes that's it.  No 
cigarette or Cigar.  No cigarette lighter or ashtrays.  The Drug Boys were 
cleared back to just that one corner in UC in front of the Chinese Food Store.  
Neighbors in the 90's stood on corners to stop the heavy drug trafficking on 
44th & 45th Samson St, the worst block south of Market.  There were shootings 
all the time for those that have forgotten or just arrived.   I would not have 
walked thru that block or either of the alleyways.  Now look at the Block!  I 
don't think this is positive business to see opening in our community.  I can 
see the flow of traffic now get your pipe and drug.

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