Raccoons are certainly not uncommon in the neighborhood. We constantly had them visiting us in our backyard(s) - entire families at a time. (Usually a mother will be in lead with several kits following.)

One evening in early spring, we left our rabbit hutch open later than usual. The raccoons cornered poor Prudence and attacked her. She was fatally mauled by them; it was my first realization that raccoons are not only omnivorous, but a capable predator against small mammals. They are still cute, though.


Al Airone wrote:
Any neighbors of ours (SW corner of Springfield and 47th) awakened by
fierce yowling this morning can blame it on the three raccoons that
were fighting in a tree.  Two of them had the third cornered at the
very end of a high branch and seemed to be trying to force it off the
end.  It fought back and since the branch was narrow, only one of the
attackers could approach at a time.  Eventually, and as the sun rose,
the two attackers gave up and left.  A while afterward, so did the
intended victim.

They were definitely raccoons - furry, banded tails, banded eyes.  As
the light came up and with the aid of binoculars, I got a good look.
I knew there were raccoons in this area - I sincerely hope that's the
entire population, or maybe even included some intruders.  Anybody
have any idea where they nest?

- Al Airone
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