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From: "Dan Morton" <>
Date: April 18, 2009 8:48:20 AM EDT

At least, we think she's abandoned.  One potential new owner for the dog pointed out she might have been stolen.
On Bailey's morning walk, a neighbor flagged me down and pointed to a dog whose chain leash had been hooked to a fence in the 4500 block of Sansom.  She said she had seen the dog there the night before.  The dog was cowering as I approached; I unhooked her and she came home with me willingly.
She seems to me to be in pretty good health, no signs of physical abuse, although I think she's been underfed.  Not since she's come home with me though!  She's a pit bull mix, but as sweet as can be.  Looks to me to be just under a year old; beautiful teeth.  Very docile while she got her bath.  Bailey the beagle's not afraid to push her around, but the two are now getting along just fine. 
I've been playing telephone tag with the vet whose rabies tag is attached to her collar with a serial number.  I'm hoping that the vet can attempt to contact the owner and confirm the dog has not been stolen; in which case someone I know may be interested in taking her.
...but maybe not.  I know I can't keep her, Bailey complicates my life enough as it is.  Maybe you're interested, or know of someone who might?  If you have advice for me as to what to do next, please contact me privately.

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