In a message dated 10/1/2009 8:14:34 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

...  after going to Clark park when the unknown poison was dumped  ...
You seem to be sacrificing a fair -Right To Know issue for disruptive  
A simple request to inspect the MSDS sheets (material safety data  sheets) 
of the products used in Clark Park would have been appropriate,  effective, 
and very hard to deny.
The MSDS sheets should be furnished to UCD by the said contractor and made  
available for public inspection. A log of application of products is most  
likely maintained and also should be made available for public  inspection.
A reasonable means of publicizing the grounds maintenance protocol can be  
developed. This could include a publicly accessible schedule of time and  
nature of chemicals applications. Should UCD also be contracting for the  
application of chemicals in other public spaces, perhaps they too could be  
I appreciate you raising a concern about the chemicals issue. While you are 
 concerned about the dogs, Kimm about the kids, I don't want them dusting 
the BBQ  chicken and produce.
I am copying this email to Dexter Bryant for appropriate distribution  
within UCD and it contractors' organizations. For the sake of disclosure, I  
believe Dexter was part of the project management team for one of my 
contractors  when I was at the Science Center.
I am confident UCD will research the issues you have raised and conduct  
their grounds maintenance in accordance with all applicable laws, ordinances,  
and regulations.
Should you want to develop and present an organic alternative for grounds  
maintenance, I am confident many interested members of the community and 
users  of Clark Park will give it a fair review.

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