Hi, Joe,

It's like Dick Gregory once said in his days as a social commentator: "How come 
you never see no [black people] in them furture movies?"


In the future movie that is University City, Penn designed 40th and Walnut as a 
"destination" where everyone is young, upscale, hip, highly educated, wealthy, 
down with that "funky vibe", and, oh, yeah, predominantly white. In our brave 
new world of marketing buzzwords, everyone wants to put on the latest hip 
fashions, sip a latte at some outdoor cafe somewhere, go down to the wine bar, 
check out the latest opening at the local art gallery, hang out at the 
"executive training gym (whatever that is)" and be seen in all the right 
places. I can hear you all now: geez, there she goes again!  But don't believe 
me, believe the UCD web site:





What activities does the website advertise that is not directly marketed to the 
so-called upscale? What is there for the people who do not fit the target 
demographic, and especially kids, to do on weekend nights? Penn creates an 
"upscale" movie theater, a nice restaurant with an outdoor patio, a bowling 
alley, and other places to eat and somehow thinks that only the "funky vibe" 
folks are going to show up.  If the same number of "funky vibers" jammed 40th 
Street on weekend nights, it would be heralded as proof of the marketing genius 
of Penn/UCD.  But because it's black teenagers, there's a problem. 


Can you imagine the police herding the young, hip latte-sippers to the subway? 





> From: philly.jo...@gmail.com
> To: univcity@list.purple.com
> Subject: [UC] Herding Teenstha
> I've also noticed on two Saturday evenings Penn police, en-masse, 
> herding underage kids from the area at 40th and Walnut. I've noticed 
> over the past year large groups of African American youth around the 
> area of 40th & Spruce up til 40th & Walnut streets and also at Strikes. 
> I noted, too, that at least one of the places that the groups would 
> congregate, Penn Arcade, on Spruce west of 40th, has since burned down, 
> eliminating one gathering spot. 
> Last evening about 10:30 Penn police (and Philadelphia Police) were 
> at 40th & Market herding the kids north and some into the Blue Line. 
> The police were standing in a line on the south side of Market blocking 
> the way of a large group of teens who tried to go back down 40th. I was 
> getting off at 40th where the trollies are detoured on weekends, and saw 
> the sometimes frightening group action: I thought there might be 
> violence. Instead a large number of adolescents went very loudly into 
> the Blue line station, where I was headed. The kids were kids: loud, 
> mischievous, but otherwise well behaved; it was the numbers that were 
> startling. If anyone knows anything more about this phenomenon and what 
> Penn's been doing about it, I would like to know.
> Joe C.
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