14th Amendment of the Constitution of The United States of America: 

Section. 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to 
the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State 
wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge 
the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any 
State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of 
law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the 

One of our neighbors rang my door bell Thurs. night.  He was scheduled to help 
me with a job Friday morning.  But he had to cancel and go to court.  Three 
people had been rounded up in Clark Park, cuffed, and taken to 55th and Pine.  

Earlier the same day, a friend told me that others had recently been arrested 
as the volleyball players watched.  All of these local residents were sitting 
peacefully drinking a downscale beer!  When my helper offered to dump out the 
beer to avoid arrest, the cops told him, "there are people around here with a 
lot of money and power."  Then they cuffed him.

Many of you will remember the UCD regional marketing campaign encouraging 
suburban folks to bring wine to Clark Park for the orchestra.  Here is one 


In addition to a hefty fine, my helper will need to wear the orange jumpsuit 
and work for the very same UCD under the threat of an arrest warrant if he 
refuses.  (UCD was previously caught using these probationers for election work 
in violation of federal law.)

Our neighbor described the humiliation of being arrested, cuffed, and taken 
away in front of neighbors and friends in the community in which he has lived 
for 20 years! Think of the next humiliation, over two days, as he works in the 
chain gang in front of us in his orange suit! 

( My helper and the other guy walked the third victim home because he was 
traumatized and having serious anxiety trouble as a result of the events.  
Thank God for honorable downscale citizens!)

Think of this!  UCD advertises around the entire region that wealthy 
suburbanites are encouraged to bring upscale wine to Clark Park.  (Many of us 
attended the orchestra and watched the wine flowing freely.  We watch students 
regularly bring wine and houkas with their picnics in Clark Park.)  But our 
hard working neighbors are traumatized, fleeced, and then forced to work in the 
chain gang for the very same UCD, or face jail. 

 In the same jurisdiction, middle and lower class citizens are now arrested and 
enslaved for the same privileges enjoyed by the wealthy and powerful.  UCD and 
these good people with money and power piss on the US Constitution.  The poor 
and middle class are no longer considered US citizens. They have been 

Here is what Asians face:    


Waiting for my orange suit,

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