Substitute "Martians" for "Penn" in this disjointed screed and I think
you'd have a much better idea of the kind of mind that produced it.

- Mike V.

On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 11:14 AM, Glenn moyer <> wrote:
>>As for the UCNeighbors listserv, or as you say Kyle's listserv, was
>>expressly created to exclude the opinions and/or the persons who stated
> Wilma,
> I recently reread your initial comments when was 
> first formed.  You were right on target!
> As we are bombarded with the attempts to control public misinformation around 
> the country, your prediction about the use of Penn servers, rather than a 
> private Yahoo gang, has come to pass.  Penn President, Amy Gutmann, continues 
> to host barking cheese and supports a de facto establishment of censorship to 
> control communication in an adjacent community.  This is our good neighbor 
> and "salvation of our cities."
> Compare the rhetoric of this Rodin writing and official Penn propaganda 
> position, with the reality of Penn based censorship.  It would be laughable 
> if the implications were not so frightening:
> Glenn
> PS:  All of you did a great community service when you started the open 
> public list.  Thank you!!!
> -----Original Message-----
>>From: Wilma de Soto <>
>>Sent: Nov 9, 2009 9:31 PM
>>To: Frank <>, UnivCity listserv <>
>>Subject: Re: [UC] Glenn's List vs. Kyle's List: a measure of popularity
>>Dear Tony and Frank,
>>Permit me to hearken back to Linda Lee's post with regard to the final word
>>about lost pets posts.
>>I quite understand her assertions about 'lurkers' who are afraid to post,
>>and the fact sometimes we post as if there is no else save us and we are
>>known to everyone.
>>Glenn posts on the UC Listserv frequently.  However it is not Glenn's
>>It is a community listserv, born of some Spruce Hill Board Officers wishing
>>to communicate by e-mail with other SHCA Officers in order to shore up a
>>membership database and check whether SHCA were current.
>>At the time, Nick Sanders was Treasurer of SHCA and I was membership
>>Later, Nick Sanders uploaded this onto the now defunct community groups web,
>>"Liberty Net".
>>Jeff Abramson, SHCA Internet Chair, extended the listserv to all, through
>>Purple and graciously hosted it for YEARS! Kudos!
>>Please remember this is a community listserv accessible to ALL may partake
>>in any discussion that might affect them.  It is NOT; Glenn's listserv.
>>Indeed it could be partially mine and/or Nick Sanders and/or Jeff Abramson.
>>As for the UCNeighbors listserv, or as you say Kyle's listserv, was
>>expressly created to exclude the opinions and/or the persons who stated
>>I would not join even though I had been asked to because I do not believe in
>>blocking arguments or posts which annoy me.
>>Our community is our community and one has to tolerate all sorts.
>>With no offense to Glenn, this is not Glenn's listserv; rather the
>>"University City Listserv.
>>On 11/9/09 6:57 PM, "Frank" <> wrote:
>>> Are you serious?!?! Are we in grade school??
>>> Frank
>>> On Nov 9, 2009, at 6:33 PM, Anthony West <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> From 6pm Sunday to 6pm Monday, 5 comments about the impact of  the
>>>> SEPTA strike on our neighborhood -- a hot neighborhood topic -- were
>>>> posted on Glenn's List (
>>>> During the same timeframe, 18 comments about the same subject were
>>>> posted on Kyle's List (
>>>> I maintain a presence on Glenn's List because I want to be open to,
>>>> and keep in touch with, all my neighbors. But Kyle's List is where
>>>> the hottest discussion of University City issues takes place these
>>>> days.
>>>> The thing I like most about Kyle, compared to his business rival, is
>>>> he isn't constantly heaping personal abuse on his neighbors in West
>>>> Philadelphia. He never does this, in fact. It's quite refreshing
>>>> compared to the listserve that Glenn rules.
>>>> -- Tony West
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