So you continue not to oppose commercial sex in Clark Park, Glenn. Everything you have ever written is recorded in the archives of UC-list. You are the sole pro-whore contributor to this list. You worked hard for many years to earn this distinction.

Let me repeat: I'm not against you as a person. I'm not against commercial sex as a person. But if you are still totally for commercial sex in our neighborhood park, I am still totally against it.

If you have changed your mind, and will no longer publicly defend prostitution in the park, then I will no longer criticize you for defending it.

-- Tony West


I've talked with several of you about the various forms of intimidation that 
you've experienced at the hands of the civic association leaders over the 
years.  Rumors, intimidation at your job, and vandalism are very serious.   
Both Ad hominem and straw man tactics attack individuals directly instead of 
supporting one's position.

Why do some of these leaders go so pathalogically low?  Tony is a special 
jackass, but the stories and my own experience show me that others go deep into 
the slime too! Do they believe they are invincible liars?

I believe the motivation is a frightening craving for the illusion of power, 
that pushed Tony with his serious lies.  He could get into trouble for such 
potentially damaging lies.  These tactics do not win arguments.  Nor are they 
normal reactions to just having losing arguments or unfair desires for middle 
class privilege!  Would you ever think of telling lies like Tony did about me 
to win an argument???

Can you imagine the type of harm that Mr. West's lies (straw man 
technique)could do?

People on the list know that West is a jackass, at this point.  But read again 
what West wrote and think of all the possible harm such pathalogical lying 
could do.  (e.g. One of the FOCP board members and a friend of mine has known 
my girlfriend for years in a professional setting.  And people around the world 
can access our public listserv unlike UC Neighbors.)

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