>Personally, I do not support commercial sex in Clark Park. Friends of 
>Clark Park does not support commercial sex in Clark Park.
>Glenn, if you don't support commercial sex in Clark Park, just say so -- 
>or at least quit reminiscing about its vanished glories on this list. 
>There are list archives, after all.  You are UC-list's sole "pro-whore" 
>contributor, aren't you? Most of us never wanted to hear about this 
>subject in our neighborhood park, but you kept pelting us with it, year 
>after year. Please let it go.
>-- Tony West

and Mr. West continues

"Let me repeat: I'm not against you as a person. I'm not against 
commercial sex as a person. But if you are still totally for commercial 
sex in our neighborhood park, I am still totally against it.

If you have changed your mind, and will no longer publicly defend 
prostitution in the park, then I will no longer criticize you for 
defending it"

Mr. Jackass is pretending that everyone on the list is stupid now.  Everyone is 
mesmerized by his commanding brilliance, because his straw man is so 
sophisticated that all are in awe.  Tony West is a legend in the mind of Tony 

The truth:  The beginning of the new Penn myth for West Philly included a 
massive marketing campaign, which insinuated that our neighborhood and park 
were over run with "prostitutes, gang members, and drug addicts."  This was not 
isolated, but was repeated in publications locally and around the country for 
several years.  At times, the literature claimed that parts of the neighborhood 
had been saved, while these images were used simultaneously for other parts of 
our community.   The FOCP, like it did with the overall UCD/Penn campaign, 
repeated this false and negative portrayal about Clark Park.  

I often ridiculed this dangerous literature, which is what Mr. Jackass is 
referring to. I also attempted to make neighbors recognize, back when UCD/FOCP 
had some popularity and was not recognized for what it is, that the negative 
portrayals were about all of us!  

That dishonest literature, like an FOCP survey, was intended to manufacture a 
problem and crisis, in order to justify radically changing our community.  I 
was pointing out that the portrayal of us, as criminals, was a dangerous lie!  
There were no whores in the park, only our community and neighbors.

Does anyone believe that Mr. West is that stupid? Did he really believe that I 
was advocating prostitution in the park, and that I wanted to hire prostitutes? 
 Others criticized me for being so adamant in my literary criticism and 
coverage of the Penn propaganda.  But I felt that it was extremely important 
for neighbors to recognize the patterns and understand fascist techniques, that 
seriously threatened all of us in our local community. (This "cleaner and 
safer" literature happened while Americans were being told that "freedom and 
democracy" were the goals for Iraq.) 

I don't believe Mr. West is that stupid.  If he is that stupid, I think he is 
too stupid to be our community ruler and expert researcher for FOCP.



-----Original Message-----
>From: Anthony West <anthony_w...@earthlink.net>
>Sent: Jan 24, 2010 7:09 PM
>To: univcity@list.purple.com
>Subject: [UC] Glenn and the whores of Clark Park
>When Glenn writes on UC-list, he isn't doing so as a spokesman for his 
>real-estate operation (even when he's peddling his real estate on this 
>list!). He speaks as an individual on this list. That's the same for me.
>When a member of any neighborhood group writes, like Glenn, as an 
>individual on UC-list, they always write as individuals and never as 
>representatives of any agency or business. That's because UC-list is an 
>unmoderated listserve. If they claim they are representing their group's 
>claims ... then that's what they're claiming. But it ain't true without 
>the letterhead.
>For at least six years now, Glenn has been pelting the readers of 
>UC-list with incessant accusations that his demons -- Penn gentrifiers 
>(like himself) -- are trying to drive "whores" out of Clark Park. Anyone 
>who cares to rummage around in "purple" archives will find copious 
>concerns about whores by Glenn, and none by anyone else.
>Personally, I do not support commercial sex in Clark Park. Friends of 
>Clark Park does not support commercial sex in Clark Park.
>Glenn, if you don't support commercial sex in Clark Park, just say so -- 
>or at least quit reminiscing about its vanished glories on this list. 
>There are list archives, after all.  You are UC-list's sole "pro-whore" 
>contributor, aren't you? Most of us never wanted to hear about this 
>subject in our neighborhood park, but you kept pelting us with it, year 
>after year. Please let it go.
>-- Tony West
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