During the week of the Martin Luther King Day celebration, our Philadelphia 
 Police Department initiated a series of community based meetings to  
introduce their new Police Service Area concept and to recruit neighborhood  
based input:
While the initial meetings were to be held with neighborhood based key  
leaders, it is possible in some districts the outreach was too selective.
Thus, there will be a meeting tonight for residents who reside in  one of 
the four Southwest Police Department districts --the 12th, 16th,  18th and 
19th, at 7 p.m. at the 19th District, 61st and Thompson. This  meeting is 
being held by new Southwest Division Inspector, Myron Patterson.  Insp 
will introduce himself and talk about the new community policing  
You may identify you PSA and it lead officer at:
Each PSA is lead by a Lieutenant and normally has a dedicated Sergeant for  
each shift. Patrol officers are assigned to a specific PSA so they may 
become  familiar with the neighborhood, its businesses, residents, and the  
residents with the police.
The original concept was developed in DC:
On May 2, 2004, the Metropolitan Police Department implemented a major  
restructuring of its Police Service Areas (PSAs), a basic building block of  
community policing in the District of Columbia. The goal of the restructuring 
is  to ensure better police services for DC neighborhoods by providing 
greater  flexibility in neighborhood patrols and by aligning PSAs more closely 
with  natural neighborhood boundaries.
You are encouraged to attend tonight's meeting and to actively participate  
in regular meetings with your specific PSA command structure.

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