[image: West Philly Tool Library Logo]

Join us this Saturday, March 20th from 9-3 for the Tool Library's 2nd
anniversary.  To celebrate, we'll be holding a* tool yard sale.*

That's right, over the past two years, we've been lucky enough to receive
hundreds of tool donations from members and other community members.  And
while we're grateful to everyone for their support, it turns out that we
only need so many hammers, screwdrivers, or saws.  To say nothing of the
pounds and pounds of nails, screws, tiles, switch plates, and assorted items
that we can't use (or can't figure out what they are.)

Plus, we'll also be selling several shop tools that have been donated to us
that are too heavy to effectively loan out, including two drill presses, a
large table saw, a band saw,  bench grinder, and a stationery sander.

Of course, we'll also be accepting power tool donations.  And did we mention
we'll have coffee and snacks?

On behalf of everyone at the Tool Library, thanks for your continuing

--Michael, Ben, Morgan, Robert, Stacey, Eric, and Eugene

PS.  Until May 2, check out *Imitation of
a selection of recent drawings at the Green Line Cafe on Locust from
Pennsylvania-born San Francisco-based artist Timothy Buckwalter.  A portion
of the sale of each drawing will benefit the Tool Library.



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