At 7:05 Tony directed some questions to me, in response to my post which stated 
that I found his comments about the UC list and its members insulting.
I am seeing these questions now, along with several other posts by Tony, which 
continue to insult the UnivCity List and its members.
Even when Tony throws in the occasional compliments he managed to make them 
sound grudging or gratuitous.

I consider myself ACTIVE in several neighborhood organizations, and SUPPORTIVE 
of many others.
I read many positive posts on both lists.
I read many thoughtful posts on both lists.

I don't think it is appropriate to define either list as a complete or accurate 
voice for the community.
I have previously posted my frustration at the failure of many self-described 
"leaders" to engage the members of our community who are not on either list, or 
any e-lists.
"MY" neighborhood includes the elderly, immigrants, pre-schoolers and people 
who don't have the luxury of home computers.

I don't see any huge political difference between the two lists.
UCNeighbors is sometimes more arty or playful, thanks to Kyle and Ross.
UnivCity seems a little more practical and more open to penetrating discussions 
and discord.
Ultimately I don't see the need for the competitive narcissism that Tony seem 
to be promoting as he harps on the superiority of one list (and its members) 
over the other.
The reality in most cases is probably WE is THEY.
Does anyone know the percentage of overlap?  I bet it is quite high.

Wilma makes wonderful contributions.
Some may on the face seem negative while reading to me as a search for 
acknowledgment of an ongoing need to bridge class, race and cultural 
She did not deserve Tony's attack.

Sadly, Tony's 9:50 PM post reads, to me, like projection.
Was Tony looking in a mirror when he wrote,
"An unmoderated listserve runs an equal risk of reflecting only the views 
of discredited streetcorner ranters, because they are the only public 
speakers who have nothing better to do with their time -- but can't 
withstand any judgemental filter for their writing. So they wind up 
clogging the drain on UC-list. They're not that much fun, and they're 
not very informative either."
I read this as his autobiography for today.

Some days Tony makes wonderful contributions.
Today, not so much.
I am tired of people who deny their own behavior, even while they are attacking 
similar behavior in others.

I am happy to have access to both UnivCIty and UCNeighbors.
I am grateful to Jeff and Kyle for the tools they have given us.

I am no fan of Glenn's methods but, just because he often acts obsessed or 
sounds paranoid, it doesn't mean he's always wrong.

I hope all enjoy some lovely rest and wake up charged up o do well while doing 


Please note: message attached

From: Anthony West <>
To: " >> UnivCity listserv" <>
Subject: Re: [UC] why community activists avoid this list
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 19:05:19 -0400

Really, Liz? I thought it calm, informative, observant and factual.

Of the numerous community groups in University City City, how many can you name 
whose activists use UC-list as an information medium?

If they don't in fact, use it ... do you have an alternative explanation for 
why they don't, which is better than my explanation? Why do you think the 
following vibrant groups seldom comment on this listserve (I'm all ears)? --

Friends of Clark Park, Friends of Malcolm X Park, Friends of Barkan Park, 
Friends of the Walnut Street West Library, Penn Alexander HSA, Lee HSA, Wilson 
HSA, University City Historical Society, the A-Space, Powelton Civic Ass'n, 
Walnut Hill Community Ass'n, Cedar Park Neighbors, Garden Court Community 
Association, Spruce Hill Community Association, West Shore Community, Dist. 
Health Ctr. 3, University Square Association, Woodland Ave. Reunion, University 
City City Arts League, People's Emergency Ctr., Community Education Ctr. (I 
could go on and on.)

(A) Why do you think none of these groups want to touch this listserve with a 
10-foot pole? (B) Why do you think it's the messenger's fault (me) for pointing 
out the obvious? I think these data more likely point to a flaw in UC-list's 
underlying design.

But if you can correct these flaws and solve these problems, you know I'll 
stick with it!

-- Tony West
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Look years younger without painful injections/surgery. Try now!
--- Begin Message ---
Really, Liz? I thought it calm, informative, observant and factual.

Of the numerous community groups in University City City, how many can you name whose activists use UC-list as an information medium?

If they don't in fact, use it ... do you have an alternative explanation for why they don't, which is better than my explanation? Why do you think the following vibrant groups seldom comment on this listserve (I'm all ears)? --

Friends of Clark Park, Friends of Malcolm X Park, Friends of Barkan Park, Friends of the Walnut Street West Library, Penn Alexander HSA, Lee HSA, Wilson HSA, University City Historical Society, the A-Space, Powelton Civic Ass'n, Walnut Hill Community Ass'n, Cedar Park Neighbors, Garden Court Community Association, Spruce Hill Community Association, West Shore Community, Dist. Health Ctr. 3, University Square Association, Woodland Ave. Reunion, University City City Arts League, People's Emergency Ctr., Community Education Ctr. (I could go on and on.)

(A) Why do you think none of these groups want to touch this listserve with a 10-foot pole? (B) Why do you think it's the messenger's fault (me) for pointing out the obvious? I think these data more likely point to a flaw in UC-list's underlying design.

But if you can correct these flaws and solve these problems, you know I'll stick with it!

-- Tony West

On 4/12/2010 6:40 PM, wrote:
I found this an insulting and crazy making post

--- End Message ---

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