In a message dated 4/18/2010 13:35:30 Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

The past  few days were Wharton's big meet, greet and orientation for 
incoming MBA  students.  Widely distributed was the 58 page WHARTON HOUSING  

Starting with a cover photo ... there is a pattern of  suggestion and 
omission that makes West Philadelphia look like the unsafe, not  hip, 
under-served neighborhood.
Former UPenn Instructor gets robbed in tony DC.
In DC you get robbed by the petty thieves and the  government.  
Please Note: DC's repressive private handgun ownership restrictions don't  
mean squat to criminals. Put their sorry asses in jail and let them  take 
online courses from Drexel and read Glenn's poetry.
Yeas & Nays

People, power and politics in the beltway, by the  Washington Examiner's 
Nikki Schwab and Tara Palmeri.  
Got a juicy tip? Send an e-mail to   
_Kal  Penn robbed at gunpoint in D.C._ 
Penn, whose real name is Kalpen Modi, was walking in the 1500 block of S  
Street NW around 1:20 a.m. when a man with a dark-colored pistol ran up to 
him  and demanded his belongings, police said. When Penn asked what the man 
wanted,  the gunman is said to have replied, "Everything."  
Penn, 32, handed over his wallet, cash, his White House identification and  
two cell phones. The gunman ordered the actor to the ground and fled.  
Read more at the Washington Examiner:

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