In a message dated 4/29/2010 18:31:51 Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Sent by  a friend. This is floating around the newsroom down @ the   

Thanks, bitterly amusing, but Tierny totally screwed the pooch on this one. 
 So often that's all the journalistic content of the papers was worth  
-cleaning up after the pooch.
Hard to believe Tierny started out as an attorney specializing in  client 
damage control. His partner Toll got out of home building, and  diversified 
into the triumvirate of commercial real estate development, auto  sales, and 
newspaper publishing all at the wrong time.
I would say thank God for the Internet but today it came out Junta  Obama 
is trying to regulate the Internet through an FTC act, after the Supremes  
kicked him to the curb.

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