Or, Hogs and Sheep in Clark Park today...

In 2003, the UCD was repeatedly portraying Clark Park as a place where only "prostitutes, gang members and drug addicts" gathered. With a powerful propaganda machine, they claimed that "families" were "afraid" of the park and would not go there because they did not feel safe.

But actually, hundreds of citizens came out to 3 public meetings in 2002-3 hosted by a landscape design firm (which actually respected the process of community involvement). The CITIZENS WHO LIVED HERE loudly told UCD to leave their beloved park alone, and to never again hand pick a group of corporate leaders and a dysfunctional civic association to REPRESENT THE COMMUNITY and park secretly.

After 7 years, UCD continues to define residents of the entire community as non-people (see PW article on private police). At least a year ago, they completely closed off any public participation with their "Clark Park Partnership" and are now proceeding to completely redesign the park to support their upscale marketing. Common PEOPLE are BANNED from the secret gatherings of the Clark Park Partnership and have no right to know about the private decisions!

The high maintenance fountain is really being installed to justify the immortality of Penn's rule over Clark park and the ongoing need for UCD. Park users and citizens would be ashamed of taxpayer "grants" for the new high maintenance upscale fountain and murder of trees, while libraries and recreation centers in poorer neighborhoods are targeted for closure or privatization!

Is a complete redesign of Clark Park needed or wanted by PEOPLE? The UCD redesign is only needed to secure the NEW history of Clark Park:

In the time before PEOPLE, Clark Park was a devastated wasteland. After UCD wiped it clean, PEOPLE can dance gleefully in the fountain with upscale martinis and lattes in each hand, while a private police force stands ready!

The Department of Recreation has completely betrayed the remaining citizens and privatized Clark Park! DiBernardis lied (when twice confronted in public) about a willingness to meet and discuss the privatization!

In 2010, it appears that citizens have been replaced by corporate hogs and helpless sheep! Lord what fools these consumers be...

PS: Goodbye public park! You will live on in the memory of citizens until we are finally wiped out

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