Please pardon duplicates.

This local institution is FABULOUS!
I joined 2 years ago and began receiving one of the most interesting, best 
written Bulletins to be delivered to my home.
I enjoy touring new and permanent exhibits and am awed by the variety and 
quality of programs offered to members.
Membership also brings discounts on items sold at PFP.

I hope anyone interested in local or world culture (art, crafts, music, 
cooking, etc.) support PFP with membership.
Basic membership is only $25.00.

The PFP Gallery is located on 50th Street, south of Baltimore (near Dock 
Street, the Firehouse and the Credit Union).
I hope it will always be close at hand and thriving.

Debora's note, with more information, is below.

Thanks for supporting PFP and other local good works.


---------- Forwarded Message ----------
From: Debora Kodish
Subject: Please consider joining the Philadelphia Folklore Project
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2010 21:50:03 -0400

Dear friends, I am writing to ask for your help. PFP's fiscal year ends August 
31st, and we need to add 21 new members to end the year in a healthy 
state� and to begin our new year with the resources we need. If you are 
able to join with a donation of any amount, it will mean a great deal. When you 
join PFP, you invest in the region's cultural health and its artistic 
diversity� and you let us know that you think that what we do matters. 
Ensuring that community traditions can continue to be heard, valued and 
practiced takes all of us. Any help that you can offer will be deeply 
appreciated. You can give through our secure website 
(;) or by printing and 
sending the form at the bottom of the letter below. Thank you for your 
consideration in these hard times. All best end-of-summer wishes - and in the 
hope that we'll see you at PFP soon. . .With thanks, Debora KodishPhiladelphia 
Folklore Project / 735 S. 50th St. / Philadelphia, PA 19143 / 215.726.1106 / - - -Dear friend, 
Where else in Philadelphia can you learn traditional needlework patterns from 
Palestinian women, hear Liberian proverbs shared by immigrant elders, document 
your own cultural heritage, get help in developing your folk arts project, 
consider your relationships to enslaved Africans who labored here more than 200 
years ago, and experience a practice of peace and compassion as a Tibetan lay 
monk makes a mandala out of countless colored grains of sand? For 23 years, PFP 
has been a trusted place where people come to share and to build folk arts that 
work in different ways for social change. Our free programs help create real 
alternatives and vital communities. But PFP programming depends on community 
support: your donation. 
Become a PFP member now, and help sustain meaningful artistic and cultural 
diversity in our city. Give whatever you wish ($25, $60, $100 or more)� 
and help us weather the challenging economy. Here is some of what your support 
makes possible: 
� Artist residency programs that offer important local folk and 
traditional artists opportunities to develop significant work. This year, PFP 
supported the remarkable collaboration of tap dancer Germaine Ingram, jazz 
musician Bobby Zankel and visual artist John Dowell as they created a 
multimedia piece imagining the experiences of the nine enslaved Africans 
laboring in George Washington�s President House in the 1790s. More than 
200 people witnessed this work-in-progress and shared feedback. The project let 
us all consider what responsibilities we bear for painful pasts, and how folk 
arts can carry forward legacies and freedom dreams. � Technical 
assistance workshops that address the barriers that impede community-based folk 
arts.  Our new Community Folklife Documentation Workshop offered hands-on help 
to artists and community members producing work documenting meaningful 
traditions. Other workshops on grant-writing and ongoing mentoring have over 23 
years returned a remarkable $2.95 million to 543+ local artists and community 
groups for important cultural heritage projects in local neighborhoods: real 
community investment. Real return on your investment.
 � Folk arts education programs that keep culturally significant arts 
accessible to the next generation. At the Folk-Arts Cultural Treasures Charter 
School (which we helped to found), dynamic teaching artists build 400+ young 
peoples� capacity to discover the world (and themselves) through free 
artist residencies and ensembles. 
� Folk Arts House programs that are your open door to what diverse local 
traditions mean, here and now. Local traditional artists share experiences and 
arts with you in more than 30 free PFP gallery openings, salons and workshops 
annually. This year, exhibitions on Palestinian women�s needlework, and 
on Mid-Autumn festival in Chinatown, opened conversations about the place of 
folk arts in addressing displacement. More than 800+ of you stopped by. . .
And there is more� our archive, magazine and documentary videos preserve 
(and widen) the record of community experiences and expressions. In multiple 
media, we give important local folk and traditional artists the attention they 
deserve. Visit our website for more details: 
Can we count on your contribution of $25, $60, $100 or more, in support of 
PFP�s programs? Every gift will make a difference. Please return the 
slip below, or donate online through our secure server:
 With many thanks, and all good wishes for a happy and healthy summer, 
Debora Kodish, Director 
P.S. For the last 23 years, we have relied on public investment�through 
donations like yours�to give us the resources to stay independent and 
set our own agenda, sustaining serious cultural diversity in this city. Help us 
continue to support real alternatives for our communities. Please make a 
contribution to PFP today. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Yes! I want to 
invest in sustainable folk arts in Philadelphia. Enclosed is my donation to PFP 
of: __ $25 Basic __ $35 Family __ $60 Contributor __ $150 Supporter __ $250 __ 
$500 $____Other
__ Sweat Equity/ I can give time, and volunteer in some way  
City: _________________________   State: _____   Zip: _________   
Mail to: Philadelphia Folklore Project � 735 S. 50th St. � 
Phila., PA 19143 � 215-726-1106 � 
The official registration and financial information of the Philadelphia 
Folklore Project may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by 
calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1 (800) 732-0999. Registration does not 
imply endorsement._______________________________________

Elizabeth Campion
210 W. Rittenhouse Square, Suite 406
Phila, PA 19103
215-790-5653 Desk & Voicemail
215-880-2930 Cell & Emergency
215-546-9781 Shared office Fax  or for Rental questions
Link to Photos of available Listings and public, 'social' photos: 
To check out all PFR and Multiple Listed Properties and 
to review CONSUMER NOTICE, link to
Your referral is a welcome compliment.
All the best in 2010 and beyond!
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