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From: Naomi Fiordimondo <>
Date: October 2, 2010 7:41:29 PM EDT
Subject:  Lost Calico Female - Recognize her? Want to adopt her?

A little over a week ago, I saw this sweet young calico female wandering around in front of our house. She had a pink collar with an SPCA tag on. She came right up to me and was very friendly. She even let me pick her up and hold her but I wasn't sure if she was a stray or just a new neighbor cat out for a stroll. I also didn't have anything to write down the SPCA number and and was on my way out so I made a mental note and checked back later that
night and the next day but there was no sign of her.

Today I saw her on 50th St between Walton and Catharine - this time without her collar, a little worse for wear and clearly lost/abandoned. I scooped her up and she's living in our bathroom until we figure out what to do with

If you recognize her, please let me know as I would like to assume she is
just lost and would like to return to her rightful home.

If no one comes forward, I would like to find her a good home so let me know
if you would like to meet her and possibly take her home! (We're at
cat-pasity in our house.)

She is tiny - maybe 7 lbs. - but I suspect she will bulk up a little once she catches up on her eating. As she had an SPCA tag early on, I suspect she is already spayed and has had shots some time in her young life. She has a good appetite and, despite whatever she has been through, is still quite friendly. She let me pick her up no problem, and she lets both my husband and I pet her. She also enjoyed sitting on my lap and meows nicely to us.

Let me know!

- Naomi

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